Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ed Miliband's Impossible Task

Trevor Kavanagh has just said that he thinks Ed Miliband faces an almost impossible task with his speech this afternoon. He is speaking to so many different audiences that he will find it very difficult to please them all. As Trevor said, you wouldn't envy the speechwriting team, would you?

I think the performance is as important as the content. It really does need to be the speech of his life. Ed Miliband is at his best when he is not reading from a script, but I doubt whether he will dare to do a Cameron and wander round the stage. It would be a high wire act, but he would win a lot of respect if he did it.

Another way he would steal the show is if he was able to announce that his brother had decided to serve in his shadow cabinet. I somehow doubt that will happen, but you never know.


  1. Not impossible. He just has to deliver a speech that is better than his brother's. Would also be good to hear some firm policy commitment instead of generic change but doubt that will happen.

  2. He'd do far better just not mentioning his brother at all.

  3. To me, it all hinges on what David decides to do.

    That fact alone, then tells us Ed's performance is not the most important factor here.

    If David won, that would not have been the case.

    Therein, IMHO, lies the tragedy for Ed that will now unfold.

    For David, judgement, preparation and chance will decide if he manages to become leader and then - god forbid - PM.

  4. he just nhas ntomdelivewr a load of nplatitude3s. tell the audience how wonderful they are.

    By all accounts he has started - by listing all labours 'achievements'.
    Well whatever these are alleged to be they are all founded on a mass of borrowed money with no plan to pay it back.

    Anybody can run the country on that basis - as we have seen usually into the ground.

  5. I tried, I really tried to watch it but lost the will to live.

  6. Looks like the socialist morons post speech wankfest is well under way.

  7. "Trevor Kavanagh has just said that he thinks Ed Miliband faces an almost impossible task with his speech this afternoon. He is speaking to so many different audiences that he will find it very difficult to please them all."

    He didn't have to. He won the vote. When is he going to get around to setting out *his own stall* rather than trying please everyone?

    I've had enough of blank canvas politicians from all three main parties who say what they think their immediate audience wants to hear rather than possessing values and ideals of their own and letting the audience judge them.
