Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Daley Dozen: Wednesday

1. Stephen Tall is fed up with Ed Miliband’s hypocrisy.
2. The TPA declares war on the Carbon Trust, but Guy Shrubsole jumps to its defence.
3. Longrider couldn’t care less if Rooney smokes.
4. Paul Waugh uncovers Ed Balls’ application for Chancellor.
5. Archbishop Cranmer on another Labour leader who doesn't "do God".
6. The Lurcher thinks Liam Fox was right.
7. A Very British Dude translates Red Ed’s speech.
8. The FT reports Nick Brown was pushed.
9. Norman Tebbit likes Kate Humble mudslinging.
10. Roger Helmer is astonished by BBC bias. I’m not.
11. Liam Rhodes does a Mystic Meg.
12. Courtesy of
Working Class Tory, the picture of the day...


  1. No, Stephen is fed up with Ed Miliband's hypocrisy.

  2. Has Sir Les Patterson dyed his hair?

  3. Not the first time an unexpected watery accident has called aproblem! :(
