Monday, September 20, 2010

Clegg: The Right Government for Right Now

Listening to Nick Clegg's speech I am struck by the fact that I could imagine David Cameron giving more or less exactly the same speech, almost word for word. I suppose that's inevitable when you are in a coalition, but it's noteworthy nonetheless. I don't recall him pandering to his party at all. One of the opening passages stated that the government was not implementing a LibDem manifesto or a Tory manifesto, but a coalition one. "I stand by it," he said to realtively tepid applause. But this was the key question he challenged his party with...

"If we had turned away, how could we have then asked the voters to take us seriously?"


It was a good speech, delivered well. The Number 10 team will be pleased.


  1. Policies adopted though were not want Lib Dems voted for and before anyone says otherwise the deficit when this govt came in was actually less than Labour said it was.

  2. Cameron may well be delighted but the tough decisions have yet to bite. Lets see what happens when the Lib Dems are trounced in the local elections. Your partners in crime may well decide enough is enough.

  3. 'tepid applause'.

    The Libdems need to grow up. If they do they have a future.

    Just what are they upset about? Can someone tell me? Do they want to borrow even more money? Pay back even more in interest repayments? If so where would THAT money come from?

  4. I was most impressed with his speech! If Clegg loses favour with his own Party I hope that we in the Conservatives might give him a warm welcome!

  5. Good man is Clegg. I have a lot of time for him. Just a shame he and Cameron have managed to end up leading the wrong parties...

  6. "The Number 10 team will be pleased"

    Was that meant to be helpful? lol
