Friday, September 24, 2010

Back to the Future With The Michael Foot Tribute Act

I wonder whether the Labour Party isn't indulging in a bit of 1980s nostalgia by selecting Ken Livingstone today to be their London mayoral candidate, and in all probablity 'Red' Ed Miliband tomorrow as their new leader. Perhaps they could form a Michael Foot tribute act, as suggested by one of my Twitter followers.

The fact that Ken Livingstone won by such a large margin (69-31) shows that he had the union vote totally stitched up. And they will no doubt be funding his campaign. And it's a further sign that New Labour is well and truly dead. It has ceased to be.


  1. As far as I can see NuLiebor was a sham and never actually was. Blair was the face but Brown was the Body. Blair was a weakling and Brown was the bully who directed the policies of the Labour government for the whole of it's 13 year existence.

  2. It's probably good news for Boris' team, though. Ken must be an easier target than Oona. Plenty of history in office to attack, and links to the unions to exploit.
    [/shameless blogplug]

  3. This must be the best news that Boris has had in ages...

  4. New Labour meant one thing to Blair and another to Brown.

    We are back to old Labour - even if DaveM wins he is isolated before he starts. If he does win he should make Burnham shadow chancellor and put Balls in Health (or anywhere where he might refuse to serve); he should shunt his brother out of the way in the foreign affairs.

  5. Iain,

    Dizzy makes an interesting point.

    Will you be now using your LBC show to argue that Ken should lose his?

    Matt Oliver

  6. But regardless of his politics, Michael Foot was at least a highly noble and honourable individual.

    Foot would never have weaselled away from his principles like Ed Miliband, or helped bullies like the Brown gang or stomached Livingstone's ego and Mugabe-like desperation for power.

    We know Foot would always have been anti Iraq war. We don't *know* anything now about Ed except that he can't be trusted on the Middle East.

    he'd stab his brother in the back, he'd stab Israel in the back, who wouldn't he stab in the back?

  7. And of course given the Marxist support for misdirection and straight lying to people we can never know what sort of man Red Ed Miliband really is - just who his father was.

  8. A little cocky considering it took you 27 years of trying to finally beat him.

  9. So I'm guessing you'd fancy a wager that Ken will win...

  10. @Man in a Shed So politics is heritable. Who knew?

  11. No. Obviously if Ken's ahead then the post will be abolished.
