Saturday, September 18, 2010

Are You a 'Life Enhancer'?

There's a delightful little paragraph in Chris Mullin's diary, which has set me thinking...

"David Puttnam's final outing as chancellor of the university. A delightful man. One of that small band of life enhancers of my acquaintance (others include Liz Forgan and Charles Baker Cresswell). Merely to spend company is to come away refreshed."

So, who, to follow Chris Mullin's example, are people I know who I would describe as 'life enhancers'?

My other half, his Simmoness
My mother, father and two sisters
Sky News presenter, Anna Botting
Historian, Professor Peter Hennessey
Welsh Tory Party Director, Matthew Lane
All rounder, Gyles Brandreth
Broadcaster, Lorraine Kelly
Peer, Lord Pearson of Rannoch
Podcaster and Broadcaster, Olly Mann

These are all people who have few if any enemies, have hearts of gold, are generous to others and who I'd be happily stuck on a desert island with.

Now think who you would describe in the same way...


  1. 1) My hubby;
    2) Nigel Farage;
    3) Douglas Carswell

  2. gordon brown, lord prescott, ken livingstone, denis skinner, tom watson, damien mcbride, ed balls, mrs ed balls, peter mandelson, bob crow, mark serotkwa.........although it is possible i have misunderstood the question......

  3. anyone who is not jealous of anyone else is a life enhancer. just content with themselves the way they are.

    people like gordon brown (cough)

  4. Iain, when are you going to go back to making comments on the current political situation?Most of your entries are about you or your interests.

  5. Potager,

    The title of this blog is Iain Dale's Diary. A diary is about things the author of it does or thinks.

    Also, if you had scrolled down you would see I am on holiday in Holland.

  6. As you're in WWII mode, 'It's being so cheerful as keeps me going'.

    I'd nominate Peter Ustinov, Victor Borge, Bob Newhart, Tom Lehrer, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Robin Williams, Peter Sellers, and Fred Astaire. Their relentless energy and boundless talent has certainly enhanced my life.

    Laughter - The Best Medicine.

  7. I cannot believe potager's comment!

    This is a personal blogg - given the adverts I presume it makes a bit of money, but its not a newspaper.

    I confess to have never met Anna Botting or Lorraine Kelly but I would dread being on a desert island with them. Lord Pearson may be delightfully potty - but he's potty nevertheless.

    I was at a meeting the other day which contained 3 vascular surgeons. They were all calm caring concise coherent and clearly knowledgeable as well as being intelligent and articulate. I would happily go under the knife with them.

  8. For entirely unjustifiable reasons I have chosen to read your question as "who do you know of".

    1. Phil the Greek, for being a breath of fresh air in a pompously PC world;

    2.Baroness Deech, for telling the Scots the way it is;

    3. Nicholas Sarkozy, for standing up to moral blackmail from the European Commission;

    4. Richard Dawkins, for his incredibly accurate impersonation of and old school Church of England vicar preaching atheism - surreal satire at its finest

    5.Anita Anand, (do I need to explain?)

  9. I stick to my point that there has been a change of emphasis in your Blog. You do seem to be more involved with self-promotion than before, no doubt caused by an expansion of your interests and activities.
    I always enjoyed your contributions on current political issues. Certainly you are right to insist that this is a diary.
    Perhaps you are merely reflecting the fact that, since the advent of the coalition,politics has become less contentious.
    A fascinating time in British politics nonetheless.

  10. Outside my family, Professor Pat Terry, who taught me to think clearly. Of course, I still make mistakes which is my fault, but his brilliant way of making tough problems simple through careful analysis has helped me throughout my life.

    He and his marvellous wife Sally always invited all his students to dinner at their house every year, a huge undertaking and an excellent example of their humanity.
