Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Year And Counting...

Tom Harris has done a great Downfall video spoofing Kenny MacAskill's role in the Al-Megrahi release.

Watch it HERE.


  1. Great video. MacAskill deserves the ridicule.

  2. Are you aware of Godwin's Law?
    I have met people with numbers inside their elbows. I doubt they would find this remotely amusing.
    Got no time for Salmond, but this is just offensive.

  3. "I knew the Met made a mistake when they let him out of the Cell at Wembley" Even better than the "Only An Excuse" sketch abour MacCaskill on BBC Scotland in 1999

    Pure dead brilliant

  4. Great stuff.

    I love how Labour and the SNP are like ferrets in a sack within Scotland, despite being about as politically different as the People's Front for the Liberation of Judaea and the Judean People's Front for the Liber...

  5. Best downfall video yet. Harris should stop wasting his life as an MP and go into it full time.

  6. One of the very best "Downfall" vids so far. I cast my vote for it as an English born Jew of Polish stock now living in Scotland and I suspect it's the pies and the Gregg's bridies wot give it the edge. LOL!

    (And IainMonty, yes, I am aware of Godwin's Law and it is probably the most misused and abused "law" of the Internet and is very often used by po-faced censors. Some of my forebears died with numbers tattooed on various parts of their bodies - not only the forearm was used, you know. Fortunately other members survived and there is now a flourishing branch in Hod Hasharon, Israel. Fortunately, again, their sense of humour also survived and we have passed links of many such videos back and forth so your doubts are unfounded in our case and many others I know.)

  7. Henry Tree, Godwin's Law argues that this kind of childish humour and irrelevant reference diminishes true issues of Nazi behaviour. Its not actually about censorship, as you allege.

    You may see this as humurous, I see it as pathetic. Not because I am po-faced, but because I have to live with the consequences of Salmond's actual attitudes, unlike Mr Dale.

    The originator of this peurile video belongs to the same political party as me and completely misses the point about what is required to gain the attention of undecided voters.

  8. You certainly write like a Labour man and just like the last government you seem to be a bit economical with the actualite. "Very often used" means what it says, not what you allege I mean.

    I also live under SNP rule and to be honest, though I'd love to see a change in the political make-up of the Scottish government, no way would I enjoy seeing the likes of Harris and his ilk being in power where I live. In fact, should Labour ever return to power in Scotland it is more than likely that this old wandering Jew will be packing his bags again.

    In the meantime ...

  9. Oh excellent. First class. This made my day Iain, thanks for posting this link.
