Sunday, August 22, 2010

Podcast: 7 Days Show: Episode 37

The latest edition of the Seven Days Show is now online.

In the Show this week we talk about Charles Kennedy and his rumoured defection; the recent A level results; Labour and how close it is to bankruptcy; party conference and the potential for a terror attack; local police commissioners; the No To AV campaign, and anal glands (who would have thought). Within 60 seconds of the start we are both corpsing as Gio barks his head off and I relate his current little medical problem...

To listen to the podcast click HERE, or you can also subscribe to the show in the Tory Radio section in the podcast area of Itunes.


  1. Life can get rather lavatorial when you have a dog. A long time ago I had a Cavalier King Charles who had problems with impacted anal glands. The Vet recommended adding bran to his food. Thereafter he never had any trouble again. Try Gio on the diet; a couple of teaspoons of bran with his main meal should do the trick.

  2. Life can get rather lavatorial when you have a dog. A long time ago I had a Cavalier King Charles who had problems with impacted anal glands. The Vet recommended adding bran to his food. Thereafter he never had any trouble again. Try Gio on the diet; a couple of teaspoons of bran with his main meal should do the trick.
