Monday, August 09, 2010

Memo to Sky News

I. Couldn't. Give. A. Toss. About. Naomi. Bloody. Campbell. Or. Mia. Sodding. Farrow. Or. The. Effing. Diamonds.



  1. But Iain... its a human interest story involving a pretty celebrity, something shiny and war crimes. Is there a more newsworthy combination?

  2. It's silly season, with little real news around, and it shows(!)

  3. Hm. Are you on Press Preview tonight?

  4. I suspect that the thousands of people who had their hands and feet chopped off by Taylors henchmen or the relatives of the thousands of murder victims are very interested.
    Naomi had the chance of nailing Taylor but didn't take it. Probably due to her court case with Carol Moore.

  5. that should put a stop to Murdoch news promoting the Yasmin and Dale show

  6. Agreed , but watch out she hits iain

  7. You mean, SKY are milking this 'no news' story? I didn't know that. But then, I don't have SKY. There's a reason for that.

  8. ah c'mon Iain, it's August & it's a bit of fun ...

  9. We get endless situations where some meaningless event grips the news channels and they just will not let go.

    Hold that feeling, Iain, and imagine enduring that for the endless weeks running up to the World Cup.

    I wanted the matches to start just so the pre-event bullshit could end, but then what? the main news was filled with frikkin vuvuzela stories.

  10. Its August

    Bimbos abound in the press, male and female

    The case against Taylor does not hang on Naomi Campbell or Mia Farrow

  11. Human interest story? They are trying to link a psychotic dictator to his blood diamonds!

    If you actually watch the trial and not the news clips you see something quite different from the celebrity sleaze.

  12. Well, thats you finished as a newspaper reviewer!

  13. It is ideal for Sky News August slow news stories and all the top boy's n girls are away on vacation.

    It is just like watching Kavanagh QC ideal for the lazy underclass who do not go to work.

    I say ban daytime TV and ban Sky News and BBC 24 hours rolling news, I always get the feeling they are like ambulance chasers waiting for a terrorist attack so they can put the Sky copter up and play out drama as news.

  14. The celebrities are a distraction to a real story about the evils done realted to blood diamonds. This is both recent African history and possibly a reflection of a similar situation of what is going on in Zimbabwe at present.

    So you should care about the diamonds at least.

  15. @Dilettante:

    Pretty or petty?

  16. Charlie Taylor your mate then? You clearly can't see the wood for the trees.

  17. I agree that a story about Naomi Campbell shouldn't be focused on too much.

    However, the likes of Sky are acutely aware of what get them viewing figures. If they do a lot of these stories and the figures go down, then they'll change.

  18. I couldn't agree with you more, Iain! However, as John Ward has already said - it's "Silly Season" and this is the sort of garbage we have to put up with until politics starts properly again.

  19. Admittedly the inclusion of these nonentities talking about dinner partiers and diamonds etc is not important.
    What is unbelievably important are the charges laid aginst Charles Taylor and if such trivialities keep the story in the news then hearing about Naomi Campbell is a small price to pay.

  20. Hopefully Naomi gets to go back to the Hague and explain the differences in the tale.

  21. Correct and as an expert said on newsnight - 'blood diamonds' had not been invented at the time of this alleged gift its not clear to me what the prosecution hope to gain. they have only succeeded in losing the drift of their case.

    The BBC news were just as guilty.

    i suspect Woody Allen would have something to say about the likely veracity of Mia Farrows testimony.

  22. Whatever! It might help if you went for the real news, for example, Human rights: from Europe to the UK rather than following a false lead?

  23. Isn't "sodding" a swear word?

    Couldn't agree more though!

  24. @ trevorsden

    "as an expert said on newsnight - 'blood diamonds' had not been invented at the time of this alleged gift"

    What the 'expert' was referring to was the term, not the action.

    'Illegally mined' diamonds have been a currency for decades - long before this little episode.

    As to Mia Farrow - maybe you'd prefer to believe the totally deluded, vain and self-absorbed jailbird instead.

  25. I'm with Mrs Dale on this one. Who gives a monkeys about traditional panga politics in bongo bongo land.

  26. There is just one thing interesting about this farrago, touched on by Boris Johnson in his excellent 'Telegrpah' article, but so far as I know completely unexplained - what was this bunch of airhead slebs, mass-murderers and bodyguards actually doing gathered around St. Nelson's table? Presumably he didn't invite them for the quality of their conversation. Do idiots like these perhaps pay St.N. for the privilege of being in his company and being photographed with him? It could be a nice little earner for him. If there is another explanation I would love to know it.

  27. Can someone help me out here please because (with good reason) I have not been following this story too closely.

    As I understand it, this bit of the war crimes case against Charles Taylor is whether or not he misappropriated diamonds to buy weapons so as to prosecute the civil war in Sierra Leone. So far so straightforward; but then up pops this dumb supermodel Campbell, at a bash organised by Nelson Mandela of all people, and mysterious heavies are slipping little bags of rocks underneath her hotel bedroom door at two o'clock in the morning.

    What's the scoop here? Is Naomi Campbell some kind of arms dealer? Were she and Mia Farrow in cahoots, the latter using her regular forays to the orphanage as a front for picking up a cachet of rocket-launchers which they then smuggled out of the country wrapped in a consignment of Nelson Mandela's floral shirts?

    In contrast to Mr Dale's don't-want-to-know attitude, I think we should be told.

  28. @ David
    "what was this bunch of airhead slebs, mass-murderers and bodyguards actually doing gathered around St. Nelson's table?"

    Sitting at Comrade Mandela's knee listening to an elder terrorist spout off about things that elder terrorists spout off about?

  29. Sorry you are not interested in appalling war crimes Iain.
