Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Meeting Baby Cameron in, er, Edinburgh

HERE's an interview I did earlier today here in Edinburgh with the Scottish Deadline Press Agency, ostensibly about me speaking at the Edinburgh Book Festival. They have hilariously headlined the interview with my views on how the Camerons will name their baby. As if they matter to anyone! The highlight of the interview was when the journalist asked me this question...

Have you met the Camerons' baby yet?

I thought I must have misheard her, so I asked her to repeat the question. No, I hadn't misheard. I was tempted ask her if she thought I had been the stork!

I had a great time speaking along with bestselling novelist M J Hyland at lunchtime. We had an audience of a couple of hundred people, which was quite good going, I thought. Our task was to discuss how the issue of 'Story' has changed in the modern political and media world. To be honest I was rather dreading it as I thought it might be a load of intellectual old claptrap, but far from it. I've had quite a bit of feedback via Twitter and people seemed to enjoy the conversation, which was very well chaired by childrens' author, Charlie Fletcher.

Anyway, having spent the afternoon working in my rather dingy hotel room (a window the size of a postage stamp) I am now off out to see two shows - I am a German And I Should Not Be Here and Matt Green - Bleeding Funny.


  1. Maybe this happens in Scotland. Various strangers and passers-by being invited to the birth. I imagine the maternity theatres are laid out like real theatres - you know, Circle, Stalls, Dress Circle and for the special few, private boxes with free opera glasses. Standing ovations at the conclusion, calls for Author, Encores etc.

    Where did this 'journalist' learn her craft?

  2. Rejoice - At that News!!!!!

  3. As I say ...

    ...we must hope for restraint in name giving.

  4. Seems to me your making a mountain out of a molehill...

    Unsworth - 'Maybe this happens in Scotland' that is quite a discriminating comment, you should have a look at yourself.

  5. @ jmccall

    "You should have a look at yourself"

    Why? Apparently things are very different North of the Border - at least that is what we are repeatedly and vociferously told by the likes of Salmond. Anyway, am I not allowed to dislike Scotchmen? Are they not allowed to dislike the English? They certainly seem to from the comments which abound on the Internet. Why do they think they are entitled to exhibit rabid Anglophobia, whereas others may not reciprocate?

    And do I have to post on the basis of some anti-discrimination legislation? Name the Parliamentary Act.

    Garbage. But from your name I guess you have aspirations to be some sort of Scotch person.
