Thursday, August 12, 2010

An Interview With Propa Politics

I've done an interview with Gavin from the Propa Politics blog, should you care to take a gander HERE. We covered a lot of ground and I hope you'll find it entertaining. You'll enjoy the bit about a threesome with Chris Grayling...

Bet that got you clicking on the link, didn't it?

PS Sorry, Chris...

PPS Do you like my new LBC publicity picture? Not quite sure where the lower part of my arms have disappeared to...


  1. Good lord ole boy you're looking quite streamlined, positively greyhound like.

  2. Looks like you've lost a bit of weight recently, Iain. Or is that just the post-Photoshop picture? ;-)

  3. Hang on a minute...

    I've just started reading your interview, and you say "I have never enjoyed writing, mainly because I have never believed myself to be a good writer."

    Iain, give yourself some credit. You can't be that bad if you've got the most successful political blog in the country. People wouldn't come back to the blog - myself included - if it was terrible, would we?

  4. Iain you look like a naughty schoolboy caught with his hand in the sweetie jar, hiding the evidence behind your back!

    Word Veri: "fistably". Oh my!

  5. You look very slim Iain and rather coordinated as if someone styled you. Its all very now and with it , but I yearn sometimes for the old fat Iain with a horrible tie and a raging contempt for all things New Labour and BBC.

    Change is bad
