Friday, August 20, 2010

How to Save Labour From Bankruptcy

So it isn't just ideas where the Labour Party is bankrupt then. I see that according to John Prescott in the Guardian that the Labour Party are close to going bust. This is not news. Peter Watt, in his bok INSIDE OUT revealed that during his time as General Secretary the Labour Party nearly went bust - twice.

Surely the solution is to borrow more and spend more. They say that it would work for the country after all. Just a thought.

Only trying to help...


  1. Labour's soon-to-be-proposed solution to this problem? Get another loan from the bank and give everyone a pay rise.

    Oh, and get Gordon to do a speech claiming that the problems Labour are experiencing began in America.

  2. Delicious irony, that the party that claimed to be able to save the country is in such peril.

  3. Labour broke, so they will expect the taxpayer to bail them out as usual.

  4. Ironic isn't it? They bankrupted the country by spening other people's money and have done the same (or very nearly) to their own party. Couldn't run a whelk stall.

    Why not ask the new gov to stop giving huge grants to the Unions who in turn pass on a portion to the Labour party. I don't want to fund this bunch via my taxes. let their supporters pay.

  5. If as Prescott says the Labour Party is dependent upon the extended goodwill of the Cooperative Bank should not that forbearance by a commercial organisation over and beyond what they would extend to a private business be declared as a political donation and should not the Labour Party be responsible for registering it?

  6. Indeed all labour have to do is spend more and borrow more
    and then spend more on servicing the increased debt and borrow more to spend on servicing the further increased debt, and then after further increasing the service payments on their debt all they need to do is borrow more to pay for the extra debt repayments ...

    Its called Ballsonomics.

  7. More to the point perhaps would be the question "Why save Labour from bankrupcy?"!

  8. hahahahahah - true!

    This current Government is different.

    They are so generous.

    I heard on the radio that "The Government" has given £60 million to help Pakistan. They must have had a whip round at Cabinet Meeting. On the other hand, "The British Public" have not donated as much as that through DEC!

    I do wish these clown ministers would make it clear that it is "The British Public" that pay taxes that they (The Government) give out on our behalf. They could at least say "On behalf of the British people, the government has given....etc"

    Trouble is that they are so full of their own importance that they forget us proles, until a few weeks before the next election!

  9. PFI it. That way, all the little müsli eating Fabians will end up with a bill 10 times what it should have been. Do unto others etc.,

  10. Ha!

    I saw on the 5live leadership hustings last night, Andy Burnham advocating means-tested party membership fees. Borrow, spend, tax the rich til the pips squeak...

  11. You could agree to take on some of the employees to attend to your every need, Iain.

    That'll help reduce their debts. Although it might well increase yours.

    Still, Big Society and all that.

  12. I have read the Peter Watt book. All it did was confirm my suspicion that most politicians do not live in the same world as the rest of us. It comes as no surprise to me that LieBore are still on the verge of bankruptcy, as they have no idea how to manage money/resources.

    But why are they allowed to limp on like this, when any other type of organisation would be hung out to dry by their creditors?

    I am really looking forward to the demise of thge Labour Party, but I fear that the Tories are no better than them when it comes to managing this once great country.

  13. Maybe they can borrow the money from Tony Blair - or he could make a donation.

  14. Maybe they could get a loan from Tony Blair - or he could make a donation.

  15. funny that Prescott's solution is cost effective campaigning, but then the successes listed for this tactic so far include scuppering tories scrapping minimum wage.

    Is blocking a ten minute rule bill such a big deal?

    More here

  16. How to avoid bankruptcy?

    Easy: Voluntary Liquidation.

    Alas, Labour and Socialists, though a dab hand at the odd bit of liquidation, aren't too hot on the concept of "voluntary".

  17. Unfortunately, the "solution" is likely to be to expect the taxpayer to bail them out.

  18. It's not a question of 'how', but 'why'. What is the point of a morally and fiscally bankrupt political party? Why is is in the nation's interest that this self-serving and self-interested group should parasitically feed on the rest of society?

  19. Never will happen.

    There are no assets. There would be no point.

    Loans will be converted to gifts and a few debts will be quietly forgotten/written off......

  20. Labour's own policy points to several options;

    Quantitative Easing
    Retrain redundant public sector workers in the N and NE of England to press out fake £1 coins made from lead/tin; 50% of all coins made to be banked by the Labour party

    Sell the Gold
    Sell the freehold in Gordon Brown to an investment vehicle that will refurbish him and rent him out on the international lecture circuit for 15 years.

    Retain the freehold in Gordon Brown but an external investment vehicle refurbishes him and keeps him in good condition for appearances on the international lecture circuit for 15 years in exchange for an annual 'facilities management' charge

    Third Sector
    Transfer Gordon Brown to a fake charity together with a modest dowry to cover the costs of refurbishment; the Labour party gets the vicarious benefit of publicity on the international lecture circuit without bearing the running costs.

    Spend to Save
    Refurbish Gordon Brown using sustainable materials e.g. Saville Row, Lobbs, organ stapling, that will result in savings through lower maintenance costs over the next 15 years

    No doubt there are more.

  21. Fund the unions for another £20 for "modernisation grants" and then allow them to kick back to labour.
