Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Farage Will Run "If I'm Fit & Well Enough"

My colleague at Total Politics, Jessica Freeman, has been digging around and wondering who might stand for UKIP leader. She's got confirmation from David Campbell-Bannerman that he will throw his hat into the ring, and also from Nigel Farage that he's considering running.

Speaking to Nigel Farage, it seems likely that he too will be contesting the leadership. "I'm sure lots of people will run but if I am fit enough and well enough then I'll think about it," he tells us.

Even to Farage, arguably the party's most well-known member, Pearson's announcement has come as a large shock. He tells us that he was unaware that Lord Pearson would be stepping down today. Understandably then, Farage may need a little time to consider his public response.

Read Jessica's story HERE.


  1. Please, please let them elect Lord Monckton.

  2. oh please what a crock of s**t.

    Pearson was put there by Farage to take the flack for an election disaster. Now that is out of the way Farage will resume control so as to have control over the next EU election, and the setting up of a pan European party.

    Bannerman is an utter, utter joke within UKIP let alone outside.

    There is only one other likely credible candidate and that is former party Chairman Paul Nutall and he is not popular amongst a large part of the "thinking" members for his fascist control of the party online forum amongst other things.

    We need a libertarian, free market, small government anti EU party in the UK but ukip isn't it. UKIP is a one man band and intends to remain that way

  3. .... and therefore proving UKIP are a one man band.

  4. I may not agree with some/many things that Farage has to say, but he's a much better politician than Pearson - and a hell of a lot more amusing. Anything which adds to the general gaiety of political life is a good thing. They all take themselves so seriously - particularly the lefties - except perhaps Blair who was/is 'acting' at all times. At least when Cameron is in good form at the Dispatch Box he can be witty, nimble and entertaining. Brown found that quite impossible. Perhaps that contributed to his demise.

  5. 2There is only one other likely credible candidate and that is former party Chairman Paul Nutall"
    Good surname to lead a bunch of delirious bunch!

  6. "Bannerman is an utter, utter joke within UKIP", no all of them are jokers!

  7. David Campbell-Bannerman? Did you see his rabid rant on prisoners votes to the European Parliament? He all but suggested bringing back the gas chamber!

  8. Richard North has his usual interesting take on the UKIP situation here http://eureferendum.blogspot.com/2010/08/another-milestone.html

  9. Farage did pretty much say the same thing on the Today programme yesterday morning!
