Friday, August 20, 2010

David Milibrother Says "Ladies! Tidy Your House!"

Oh this is too hilarious for words.
Now I know were DD's campaign went wrong. It was because we didn't "give the place a quick vacuum"...
Click HERE to read the exhaustive instructions from the David Miliband campaign on how to organise a House Meeting...
UPDATE: Looks like Oona King is having her campaign troubles too. Her bloggers event wasn't a great success it seems, according to the Bad Conscience blog.


  1. Who the fuck has a "house meeting" to support candidates for the Labour leadership?

  2. Unbelievable! Control freak, or what?

    Thank goodness we're not members and won't have to host (or attend such a dire evening. I'd rather go to a parish council meeting....

  3. I liked the complete lack of irony awareness in a campaign team telling people how important a return to grass roots politics was whilst laying down a timetable for house meetings and giving a word for word speech to make at the end of said meetings.

  4. Iain, I've had a read through of this and nowhere can I see that he's specified that it's the woman who has to clean the house - where did you get that impression?

    Having said that, this document shows why I could never be in the Labour Party. I am not capable of that level of conformity to a recipe, let alone a set of instructions that governs every aspect of my interaction with a group of people. He must have a very low opinion of his supporters if he thinks they are not capable of working out that they have to take people's coats, or how to introduce themselves.

    The bit that made me laugh most was the section about getting accountability back into the relationship if people didn't show up. Imagine going up to a faith leader, or community leader and giving them the inquisition about why they didn't attend. That's going to win you friends and influence people. Do they have to submit written excuses to Miliband Towers?

    Given the level of minutiae in the document, I'm surprised he hasn't specified exactly what food should be served - imagine if someone produced some of Nigella's canapes - that would never do:-).

    And one thing I'm unclear about. Do you think guests are meant to be standing or seated while viewing the Miliband introduction video?

  5. Once upon a time members of parliament were content to serve the people. Now the Milibands of this world want POWER.

    If this is modern campaigning God help us.

  6. He'd get on well with Godfrey Bloom! Remember him? The Plonker who said that ladies didn't clean enough behind the fridge...!!

  7. @caron

    it doesn't but iain doesn't let facts get in the way of a blog post just read his 100 days not out post for further evidence.

    Just settle down turn off your thinking process and don't try to rationalise his blogs. You can't.

    I did enjoy your paper review you make a good team sally just needs to be more combative next time.

  8. Follow the instructions closely -

    "7.00pm - People are arriving, take their coats, get them a drink, all that good stuff. More
    importantly, get them to fill in the sign-in sheet (below/link)."

    Now check out the "sign-in sheet".

    Basically, hand over your name, address, email address and mobile phone number. and if you don't want to be spammed for the rest of your life by Millibanana or Liebour you have to "please write to The David Miliband Campaign, PO BOX 67179, London, SW1P 9SQ". I'm sure you'll get a prompt reply!!

    Btw - does anyone know Ed Milipede's phone number? Wouldn't it be funny to register a house party and get Brother D to personally call .... !

    PS Word verification - redglenda!

  9. And if you're really lucky, your totally spontaneous house meeting could be live on on BBC .....

    I wonder if Laura Kuenssberg enjoyed the nibbles from the oven.

  10. Am I the only one who has DM rock bottom of my list? I've always thought him patronising, and this confirms it.

    When somebody at a meeting in Stevenage asked him about his role in extraordinary renditions - a valid concern - he did a sneery, grimaced, dismissive shake of the head that I've never seen from anybody apart from grotty, 15 year old, oh-so-clever public school Marxists "philosophers".

    If any potential leader is going to lead Labour to the wilderness, it's him. I cannot understand why Tories dismiss Ed Balls as a liability - he's your biggest danger.
