Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cat O' Nine Tails?

I don't know how many of you have seen the CCTV footage on Sky of a woman putting a cat in a wheelie bin, where it stayed for 15 hours until released by the owner of the wheelie bin.

I'm not normally in favour of capital punishment, but for her I'd make an exception.

I have never understood how anyone can be deliberately cruel to animals. I hope this woman is soon identified and that she is then subjected to the full force of the law. Or the tabloid newspaper treatment. Whichever is worse.


  1. Put her into a wheelie bin for 15 hours. Simples.

    On the other hand, put her into a dustcart that is on duty, for the simple act of a wheelie bin does not have the fear of the unknown attached.

    p.s. the death penalty is never acceptable IMHO - state murder in cold blood.

  2. The worst aspect of this is that she looks so normal...

    I expect when she's finally identified, either no action will be taken or she'll escape any punishment by pleading 'mental issues'.

  3. Surely the tabloid investigators can find out her identity? Agree with you about punishment, but no doubt she will be "mentally ill" and get no punishment.

  4. Iain, I hope you mean corporal punishment - I could see locking her up in an equivalent space for an unknowable period being worth consideration. But, I agree that justice by tabloid is probably the right solution.

  5. Definitely the tabloid newspapers, though it would give me great pleasure to see her locked up for this. It's an outrage that she would do such a thing.

  6. If it's genuine she needs flogging, however perhaps I'm a little cynical, but it seems incredibly coincidental that there's a private CCTV camera pointing exactly in the perfect spot to capture this happening...

  7. The papers don't know which way to jump on this one. Should they demand that the full force of the law be brought down on her head for the heinous crime of kitty-binning, or should the police get on with solving "real crimes" and leave law-abiding citizens like her alone?

  8. Nah, 15 hours publicly in a wheelie bin should suffice.

  9. Looking forward to /b/ tracking her down.

  10. "I'm not normally in favour of capital punishment, but for her I'd make an exception."

    Nah, hanging's too good for her, what she needs is to be sentenced to a lifetime of total despair; remove all and any hope she might have, for ever. So there is not one moment in the rest of her miserable life when she doesn't have to reflect on her pointless and unpleasant cruelty. The concept of total despair is well documented in Robert Hughes excellent history of transportation to Australia. Essentially, having transported convicts the authorities were at a loss as to how to deal with repeat offenders. The answer was to move them to Norfolk Island where death was preferable to the absolute lack of hope cultivated there.

    I would finish by saying that 'I'm not normally in favour of CCTV, but for her I'd make an exception.'

  11. She will be sent to the gallows for not putting the cat in the BROWN bin

  12. Appearences are deceptive are they not ?

  13. I suspect, Iain, you may get your way. She's probably mentally unwell to be doing that in the first place. When the tabloid-bated hoards track her down, it's not out of the question she'll take her own life, or end up much much iller.
    I thought more of you, Iain, than to suggest that an admittedly cruel act to an animal is deserving of capital punishment. Given that many more animals are far more cruelly abused each year, but not under the gaze of CCTV, do you think capital punishment for all of these people?
    And then I'd rank people ahead of animals in terms of priority for law enforcement. Given the savage thuggery meted out to many innocent victims each year, do you want capital punishment for that too?
    Iain, you're better than this.

  14. I don't usually do psychobabble, but I agree this strange behaviour displays clear evidence of psychotic behaviour. The woman displays zero ability to empathise with other creatures, which I understand is often a precursor to many of the horrifc cruelty and mass murder stories we often come across in the media. Many of our most notorious psychopaths apparently honed their skills by practicing cruelty to animals when they were young.

    The video is quite clear, and the woman's identity will surely be revealed soon. She might live to regret her actions, assuming of course that she is capable of experiencing guilt, which is probably a big assumption in her case.

  15. I thought it was quite funny to some degree but I completely agree she's psycho Dime bar loopy. I guess there's a difference between cat owners and dog owners.

    I lost Mr Mokey for 5 days once and i've never been more freaked out in my entire life. Chappy here was only away for 15 hours.

    She needs tabloid assassination but bottom line is, cat's alright.

    My various neighbours all seem to have cats so there's about 6 or 7 treat my garden as a fighting ground really. Fantastic.

    Excellent that it was caught on camera but I defo did outrageously chuckle when I saw it first... guess i'm evil. Hmm...3 Hail Mary's an another beer!!

  16. So, you're not normally in favour of capital punishment for the killing of another human being, but you'll make an exception for putting a cat in a wheelie bin?

  17. You think she should be executed? Bloody hell, Iain...

  18. I suspect she is already under protection, Iain. Given that it's such a clear image of her and that the exact location and time is known it's inconceivable that the police and RSPCA don't know exactly who she is by this stage. I can only think her name isn't being released for her own protection and that she is having a rather frightening few days. Good.

  19. Bet the bin police will fine the house owner for putting the wrong type of rubbish in the wrong bin.

    As for the woman, she probably nurses the elderly and treats them the same. I hope she gets caught. She's just evil.

  20. A woman featured in cctv footage putting a cat in a bin in Bray's Road, Coventry has now been identified. The RSPCA are leading an investigation into the incident and will be interviewing the woman shortly.

    Coventry Police are supporting this investigation and urge the public to leave the matter to be dealt with correctly by the authorities.

    Coventry Police have not arrested the woman becuase she has not committed a criminal offence. The woman is not being given police protection but Coventry Police are making sure that the woman is ok, as they would any other member of their community.

  21. Actually she works for the local Council.

    The pest control dept has had some pretty savage cuts lately..

  22. Not everyone sees this as a crime.
    See here for a different view

    Some strange people about!

  23. http://bit.ly/caOgi2 Evil Cat Woman found - and given police protection to save her from the angry, hissy people who want to hang her.

  24. And what of the "adoring" owner who lets the cat out to roam the streets?

  25. Should be easy to identify the fat bitch. Let's expect the plod to act fast.

  26. Should be so easy for the plod to identify this fat bitch and prosecute.

  27. "I have never understood how anyone can be deliberately cruel to animals."

    Are you a veggie? or do you only eat free range meat, avoiding battery eggs/ham/beef (yes battery pigs and cows exist not just chickens).

    If not (like over half of the population) you take part in uncessary cruelty greater than what is displayed here.


  28. "She has not committed a criminal offence" - so she has done the one thing remaining that the Parliament of Fools and Spongers failed to make illegal. If putting a cat in a bin isn't illegal why are the RSPCA intending to question her?

  29. "I have never understood how anyone can be deliberately cruel to animals."
    If you'd had your neighbour's cat repeatedly crapping on your lawn and seen it ripping baby birds apart as I have then perhaps you'd understand. You presumably wouldn't let your dog do it so why a cat?

  30. I can confirm that West Midlands Police have identified the woman and are supporting the RSPCA in their investigations. The woman has not been arrested as, shockingly, no criminal offence has been carried out by her. No police protection has been put in place at this point, though police are urging people to allow the case to take a proper course with the RSPCA and not to engage in any vigilante action.

  31. They have found her identity and the evil old hag is going to be interviewed by the RSPCA


    You forgot to mention the treatment that the old hag would get from bloggers :D

  32. I think she probably is mentally ill.

    That's not an excuse for her behaviour - it's a description of someone who is not normal.

    I would hope she would be assessed as a consequence of this behaviour. I agree with John East, don't want to overdo things but someone who would be cruel to any living thing is potentially dangerous to people.

  33. Indy: you are an ignorant twerp. Just because someone does something wicked it does not mean they are mentally ill. Do you know how many people have mental illnesses? Do you know what mental illnesses actually are?People with mental illnesses are already stigmatised by society without f**kwits like you accusing them of being prone to animal cruelty.
    Sorry Iain for flaming like this on your blog.

  34. The local authority will be outraged. Cats should go into the black bin.

  35. "Do you know how many people have mental illnesses? Do you know what mental illnesses actually are?People with mental illnesses are already stigmatised by society without f**kwits like you accusing them of being prone to animal cruelty."

    She may - or equally, may NOT - be suffering from some form of mental illness. But it's an uncomfortable fact that cruelty to animals is a recognised symptom of a personality disorder. As is inability to empathise.

    Yes, people with mental illnesses are stigmatised, sometimes unfairly.

    But going too far the other way, to deny that they are ever dangerous, is just as wrong.

  36. Gallimaufry you are the twerp.

    Saying someone who puts a cat in a wheelie bin is probably mentally ill does not mean that all mentally ill people put cats in wheelie bins.


  37. Apart from perhaps being a confused Green trying to boost the Council's recycling targets, we're told she's a 'bank worker' from Rugby

    Those evil bankers exposed again ....

  38. Who was worse Iain, the woman who put the cat in the bin, or the owners who let the cat wander around next to a busy road? I think they are both fairly iffy.
    I keep cats and I would no more allow one of my cats to wander than I would one of my dogs.

  39. No one appears to have picked up on the fact that this is supposed to be a security camera yet the cat was in the bin for fifteen hours. Was no one watching?

  40. As the blogpost is called Cat o nine tails can we presume Iain really meant to write 'CORPORAL' punishment ...please?

    Re the 15 hours it isn't a constantly watched CCTV, it's a personally insatlled security camera to view possible offences against cars...

  41. I hope that Mary Bale is now having a really bad day and continues to do so for the foreseeable future.

  42. @ Ann said...

    "I keep cats and I would no more allow one of my cats to wander than I would one of my dogs."

    Typical hooman who is totally clueless and does not realise that, unlike dogs, we can safely traverse the local hood without their supervision.

  43. As a lifelong cat lover myself I nearly exploded with rage when I read this on the train to work this morning. That said anyone who does that must have some kind of disorder and perhaps psychatric treatment is a better course of action

  44. "No one appears to have picked up on the fact that this is supposed to be a security camera yet the cat was in the bin for fifteen hours. Was no one watching?"

    Why would they be? It was set up to record, in case they suffered more vandalism of their car. Just because you have CCTV doesn't mean it has to be monitored 24/7...

  45. @Jabba the cat
    Typical hooman who is totally clueless and does not realise that, unlike dogs, we can safely traverse the local hood without their supervision.

    Funny how vets seem to make their livings repairing cats who have fallen out with cars. And combine harvesters, and grass cutters.

  46. She looks normal. But some digging (REAL) digging might bring about a very different picture.
    How many times has she done something like this without being caught on CCTV?

    She is going to regret doing this. GOOD.

  47. She probably got some perverse pleasure from this act of cruelty to an animal.
    Much like those who go fox-hunting.

  48. "Polly Toynbee today arrested in thin-suit putting Eric Pickles pet cat in a bin"
