Friday, August 13, 2010

Attention All Bloggers...

The Total Politics Guide to Political Blogging will be published in September. We want to make the directory part of it as up to date as possible.

If you are a blog owner, please check that your blog is already listed in the directory and that it is also listed under the correct categories. Go to THIS page to check.

If there is any error in your listing, you will see the SUBMIT A BLOG on the left hand side of that page. Just fill it in and tell us what needs changing.

Total Politics will start publishing the various lists of Top Blogs shortly.


  1. Boothroyd's Blog,cntnt01,default,0&cntnt01number=10&cntnt01category_id=2&cntnt01returnid=103

  2. A couple of things about 'Dilettante' - I don't know if it is possible to have multiple settings, but in addition to being Conservative it is also pro-EU.

    Could Unionist and Liberal (as a political position without being out-and-out Libertarian) possibly be added as categories next year?

  3. Ohh - does this mean there are three spaces left Iain?

    Iain Dale's Top 50 Political Blogs (47)

  4. Perhaps You should have new headings "Continuity Lib Dems" and "Coalition Lib Dems" ?

  5. A blog is a personal online journal. Why would anyone need a guide on how to read one?

  6. I don't know - but I don't think that is what the guide is about - more about trends, ideological fault lines, how to find stuff you like etc.

  7. Please Mr dale add mine to the list!
