Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Milibands Into The Sunset?

Last night I did a 10 minute interview with David Miliband on LBC. He was in good form and we had a good joust about the leadership contest. He admitted it hadn't been the "rumble in the jungle" some in the media had hoped for.

At the end I asked him this: "I warn you now, this is the most difficult question you will be asked this week. If Nick Clegg and David Cameron are Brokeback Mountain, which film are you and your brother, Ed?"

He roared with laughter. I suggested 'Last Man Standing' which he thought was "very cruel". He then said "Let's hope it's not Two Brothers Into the Sunset".

Incidentally, we had a cracking programme last night, with interviews with Kitty Ussher, Philip Blond, Nigel Farage and David Miliband. Perhaps the highlight was the medical hour when a GP comes into the studio to dispense medical advice to listeners. The first caller related his problem with anal fissures. You've got to admire someone who's willing to go on the radio to talk about that. We also had a guy who kept fainting in his sleep. My first though was: how would he know?

I'm back on LBC at 7.15 until 10pm this evening!

UPDATE: I love this comment from a reader called Fat Councillor...

I think I am going to have to listen tonight. What other program offers David Miliband and anal fissures in the same programme?


  1. "We also had a guy who kept fainting in his sleep. My first though was: how would he know?"

    Duvet on the floor at the end of the bed in the morning?
    PS the chap suffering from (as if he could enjoy them) could have been putting one of your lower limbs in traction.

  2. I think I am going to have to listen tonight. What other program offers David Miliband and anal fissures in the same program?

  3. Perhaps 2 for the Road might have been appropiate.
    I.E. a long drive along a very short pier in deep water.

  4. Or
    "One Bridesmaid for One Brother"

  5. Some of your readers probably think "Dumb and Dumber" is the right title. If one Mili quits it will be "O Brother where are thou?" We will have to see if they turn out to be The A Team...

  6. What other program offers David Miliband and anal fissures in the same program?

    A programme featuring David Miliband and Ed Balls...?

  7. Hi Iain. Enjoyed your 3 hours last night. Is it correct, as Nigel Farage said, that we can't have a Trade Agreement with India? If so, what has Gordon Brown signed away by ratifying the Constitution.

  8. I think I can answer Fat Councillor's question: since the beginning of the leadership contest, David Miliband and Ed Balls have regularly appeared on television together.

  9. Sorry, I misread fainting for farting. Trust that explains my post.

  10. "I won't be banging on about the programme on the blog, except to say now that if you want to have a listen you'd be very welcome."

  11. sleep apnea reduces oxygen supply and causes all kinds of troubles. up to 10% of the population has it. it can be cured in most cases with a breathing device and a mask. none too sexy but you don't die so quickly, and have improved quality of life meantime.

    Miliband D. has the looks of a B Movie Dracula, and Ed a Frankenstein. How about a Milband sequel to 'The Shining'?

  12. Presumably a fake Iain Dale who hacked into the blog wrote on Monday: "Tonight I start a month long stint on LBC, presenting the weeknight programme from 7.15 to 10pm, sitting in for Petrie Hosken. I won't be banging on about the programme on the blog..."

    Definitely not written by the real Iain Dale...

  13. Somewhat off topic but Benedict Brogan has a good snippet,
    'On the eve of the Budget, Treasury aides asked Mr Osborne if he wanted the all-important scorecard of measures to be shown to the Chief Secretary. Of course, the Chancellor told them – he may be a Lib Dem, but he's a key part of the Cabinet. You don't understand, came the reply. Under the last lot, we never showed the Chief Secretary the scorecard.'

    When anyone talks about differences in the coalition they should not forget the sheer suspicion and hatred amongst labour.

  14. at the risk of sounding groupie ish, I have listened every night this week instead of to 5 live when making dinner. Excellent stuff, love the Milli D interview last night. He came across as human, amazing.

  15. Dracula Vs Frankenstein

    pictures on my blog,
    not photoshopped.
