Friday, July 23, 2010

Are You Cameron in Disguise?

‘Change to win’, says an email today from Ed Milband, whose leadership campaign office is in Greycoat Place… Well, it worked for someone else…

David Cameron ran his leadership campaign from Greycoat Place and 'Change to Win' was the slogan he used to very good effect. Is Ed trying to emulate the Conservative Prime Minister? I am sure the Labour Party grassroots and his growing band of union backers will love that.


  1. Reminds me of what John Redwood said to Major in the 90s. "No change, no chance". And he was right.

  2. Of all the candidates Ed Miliband is the one I am worried about the most. He is gaining in confidence all the time and seems to have the same smooth communication skills possessed by Cameron and Clegg.

  3. Has he espoused HOW labour must change? In some ways, because they still have 250-odd seats we must wonder ... Do labour really think they need to change??

    I see the Coalition got their schools legislation through by the cool majority of over 90. Now that kind of majority ought to give some pause for thought it both Tory and LibDem circles.

    And Labour too of course ...

    re your twitter
    Galloway is a self serving loudmouth.

  4. You can just picture it: "What's this? Found a leaflet under my desk..."

  5. A good slogan should sum you up but it should also be something that can't be said about your competition.

    The fact that neither Cameron nor Ed could come up with something unique about themselves is telling. Perhaps Lsbour and the Conservatives should swap them. These days it seems most of our politicians are interchangeable - a possibly deliberate attempt on their part to make voters powerless.
