Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why Diane Abbott's Interpersonal Skills Need Honing

This came to me via a Labour MP who assures me it is 100% true. I've tried to get hold of Labour MP Wayne David to verify it but he's not been available. The thing is, even if it weren't true, the fact that you could imagine it to be true illustrates why Diane Abbott has a problem. The MP who told me the tale said: "It illustrates perfectly why I wouldn't support Diane Abbott even if she were the only candidate standing." Mind you, if it were between her an Ed Balls, he might have a problem...

Wayne David found himself last week in a lift in Portcullis House with Diane Abbott. There was a short silence until...

Wayne: So aren't you going to lobby me, then?

Diane: How long have you been an MP?

Wayne: Nine years.

Diane: And have I ever spoken to you in that time?

Wayne: No.

Diane: So why would I start now?

And she wondered why she had difficulty in getting 33 nominations...


  1. i thought my social skills were bad. She is certainly going the wrong way about trying to become leader of the labour party if that conversation is true.

    I hate social situations but i know i need to do it - i can't just avoid it.

  2. "This came to me via a Labour MP who assures me it is 100% true. I've tried to get hold of Labour MP Wayne David to verify it but he's not been available"

    Brilliant! A story that you haven't verified that puts a smear across a recently confirmed candidate. Smooth work.

    Up next - stories that someone told me down the pub and could potentially be true and even if not still tell me something....

  3. Eric Pickles labor dream tesm, Ed Balls and Dianne Abbot, labor goes left right out and Torys are in for 20 years,

  4. Lovely bloke Wayne David. His brother was my (excellent) maths teacher.

    This isn't the only crack that's appearing in Diane's campaign apparently:

  5. The conversation could have been reversed so easily, though.

    Diane: Will you nominate me please?

    Wayne: How long have I been an MP?

    Diane: Nine years.

    Wayne: And have you ever spoken to me in that time?

    Diane: No.

    Wayne: Well you can f*** off now then.

  6. That dreary lefty lefty heffer really is a shambles. Labour Leader? About as likely as me shitting gold.

  7. Arrogant, ignorant tub of guts.

    I hope she wins for the entertainment value alone.

    If she doesn't win it clearly demonstrates the Labour party is riddled with sexist racists, as they'd claim for any other party.

  8. Sums her up;

    Out of touch,
    Self centred.

    £5'er has her getting the least votes.

  9. Some might consider a refusal to fake a camaraderie which both parties knew did not exist - especially when being teased to do so - is refreshing.

    The disingenuous alternative would have been far more damning (the oleaginous Burnham and Millipedes get right up my nose).

    Methinks this is a case of mountains and molehills which says more about Iain's feelings for Ms A than it does about her.

  10. In other words, Iain, she's as unpreposessing personality-wise as she is in physical appearance...

  11. I bet she give 'im a well big teef suck innit!

    This creature clearly has no intention of becoming leader of that lot, she's doing it for the publicity....Gawd knows why 'caos all of it is going to be bad.

    Now if she did a diet ad or summink like that. Aiiight? Ya get me.

  12. That story actually improves my opinion of the mad old baggage.

  13. In other news I heard from a voter, who assures me this is 100% true, that all Conservatives are ignorant, arrogant and bigotted bastards who care for nothing but seeing themselves alright.

    I have been unable to actually find any tories to comment on this but, even if it is untrue, that this sounds plausible to me explains why the Conservatives had problems in getting 36% of the vote...

  14. but of course you don't actually have to be a human being when you know you can squeal about ism's to ensure you get nominated.....the only surprise is that she didn't get david walliams to wheel her in whilst claiming she used to be called dino pre-op and waving a sprig of mistletoe to propitiate the thunder god just to tick all of the socilaist special pleader's boxes......or is she saving this for the casmpaign proper?

  15. Reminds me of the old joke:

    Pompous old fart "Do you know who I am?"
    Innocent lowly employee " No, do you know who I am?"
    Pompous old fart "No."
    "Well f*ck off then!"

  16. She doesn't need to canvass.
    She's a socialist, a minority, and a woman.
    If she can just claim eye strain as a disability and come out as a lesbian she's ticked all the diversity boxes and automatically becomes leader.

  17. Anyone else think that's actually a fantastic put-down?

  18. She's a media star - let's fawn.

  19. It is very telling that in a week you say you are busy that you find time to make post after post of muck-raking gossip about Labour people and yet can not offer anything about what posh dave has been up to - like the lies and misrepresentations at his press conference on Monday or the differences in spin used by Nick in relation to budget cuts.

    You know nothing of the history between David and Abbott - it might be that she was actually just being honest to him , after all it was in private.

  20. Actually, that was just funny.

  21. @georgewpotter

    Oh dear! Two things about your post:

    'the Conservatives had problems in getting 36% of the vote...'

    The Conservatives actually got 36.1% of the vote.

    'all Conservatives are ignorant, arrogant and bigotted bastards who care for nothing but seeing themselves alright'

    Considering that Labour got only 29% of the vote, based on your first comment, your view of Labour must be unprintable.

  22. Interesting to see how labour manage to make sure Diane gets enough votes so that they avoid the racist, sexist headlines if she flops badly. While making sure she doesn't sneak through as winner with the more main stream candidates splitting the more main stream vote. It could just happen! Wouldn't that be something a labour leader clueless about the effect of the welfare state on the underclass of society and economically illiterate? Sounds like business as usual.

  23. Interesting to see how labour manage to make sure Diane gets enough votes so that they avoid the racist, sexist headlines if she flops badly. While making sure she doesn't sneak through as winner with the more main stream candidates splitting the more main stream vote. It could just happen! Wouldn't that be something a labour leader clueless about the effect of the welfare state on the underclass of society and economically illiterate? Sounds like business as usual.

  24. Actually I quite like that anecdote. It's funny. You could take the view that Wayne whassisname is a bit self important. No wonder Abbott hasn't spoken to him, I don't think I would have bothered with a cretin like that either.

  25. @ FX Man

    Not so much fawn - more sort of beige or even mocha.

  26. Sounds like a natural successor to Brown then!

  27. Perhaps she does not take to an MP
    called Wayne. After all she sent her child to a decent school so she knows what's what!

  28. Sorry but who is Wayne David? Seriously?

    Funny though...

  29. So you don't actually know if this is true, but why worry, just print it anyway!

    Are you sure you don't work for the Mail?


    but enough of all this seriousness,
    bring on Diane Abbott

    clap clap clap clap clap clap ....

  31. This is a completely fictitious anecdote. On the one hand I suppose it is a form of inverse flattery that my enemies in the Labour Party are bothering to use Tory blogs to push out invented stroies. But on the other hand, you Iain, should be worried that you are obviously regarded as a soft touch for getting out complete untruths,

  32. Despairing Liberal - at least Iain admits he doesn't know if the anecdote is true. Some of your socialist friends in the media have been printing untrue stories about Tory politicians for years under the direction of Alistair Campbell and Peter Mandelson. Kevin McGuire is still doing it in the Daily Mirror.

    Typical socialist - slag off other party's M.P.s but scream bloody murder when the tables are turned. Labour even have the damned cheek to complain about Cameron's "blame game" when he accuses the previous government of bankrupting this country and inheriting a broken economy - as if Labour,over the last 13 years, haven't been blaming the last Tory government for everything from uncontrolled immigration to a bad eductation system and lack of regulation of the banks! They'd probably blame the Thatcher government for World War 2 and slavery if they thought they could get away with it.

  33. Hah, 'my enemies in the Labour Party' from La Abbott (allegedly).

    Does she have any friends? Or are her 'supporters' just another bunch of NuLab opportunists?

    No sense of humour, no wit, no charm, no hope.

  34. Unsworth: from La Abbott (allegedly)

    I think you're right to be sceptical - the language is all wrong. The real Abbott wouldn't talk about 'inverse flattery'. This is the work of someone younger than her and less well educated.

    So not her son either, then.

  35. @ Mick Turatian

    "This is the work of someone younger than her and less well educated"

    Younger? Difficult to tell.

    Less well educated? Possibly, but education is no real indication of intellectual ability. One can be remarkably well educated but be thick as a plank - as we all have seen with the current NuLab university alumni.

    Yes they were 'educated', no doubt largely at our expense, but just how competent, honourable, intelligent, honest etc are they?
