Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Parliament Square "Peace Camp" Ordered to Leave

Sense prevailed in the High Court today as the Mayor of London won his case calling for the squatters on Parliament Square to be evicted. I wrote about this HERE and HERE so I won't rehearse my views, but suffice to say I am delighted. This so-called Peace Camp has gone way beyond what any normal person would term a 'protest' and it was time for Boris Johnson to do something about it.

The people 'resident' on Parliament Square ihave until 4pm on Friday to leave. That also gives them time to appeal, but I hope they will see sense and move on. They have made their point.


  1. I am delighted but I gathered from reading the Standard that this does not include Brian Haw - why should he be privileged - he is the worst offender!

  2. 'They have made their point'- er, what point was thatexactly?

  3. I wonder how many people called for Brain Haw to go when Labour were in power...And why did Boris not try this before May 6th?

  4. What if they can't be moved with reasonable force?

    What if it moves from a police action to an action involving troops?

    What if those troops are armed - troops usually are!?

    What if someone gets killed?

    Still worth it Boris and Iain?

  5. I agree they should go, nothing wrong with protest but long term squatters just isn't the same thing: also I have no doubt whatsoever that hardcore Labour luvvies and ex Militant will be heading for Parliament Square to make sure this "eviction" makes the news.

    You just know this will happen...

    fantastic word verification:



  6. @ Paddy Briggs

    And 'what if' the world comes to an end in the meantime?

    It's up to those who have been ordered to leave to do just that - or to contest the court's ruling within the legal framework. If they choose to escalate the action to violence, well, so be it.

  7. "I wonder how many people called for Brain Haw to go when Labour were in power..."

    Me, for one.

    "What if they can't be moved with reasonable force?

    What if it moves from a police action to an action involving troops?

    What if those troops are armed - troops usually are!?

    What if someone gets killed? "

    What if there's a huge earthquake, and the ground swallows up smelly hippies and police alike? Oh, noes!

    Seriously, is that your idea of law and order? If enough of you make enough fuss and trouble, you get to ignore a court order?

  8. Iain,

    This would have been a great opportunity to admit that you were wrong in saying that Parliament Square was a world heritage site.

    But no, as ever, you just ignore your mistakes.

  9. I'm sure the caviar gauche can "send a flotilla" of something.

  10. @Paddy Briggs

    For a 'former Shell executive', 'journalist' and 'brand consultant', you are remarkably stupid.
