Friday, June 25, 2010

A Case of Two Sheilas

Trevor Kavanagh is in fine form in The Sun today, with an analysis of the new Aussie PM Julie Gillard. He concludes by saying...

"The ALP is back in the race. Here in Britain, Labour MPs must be wondering if they might still be in power if they had been less sentimental about Gordon Brown. Could they have beaten the Tories with a different leader in place? They had the chance to dump Gordon on three separate occasions. There is one big difference. Kevin Rudd's deputy was a popular, attractive and successful woman lawyer. Gordon Brown's was Harriet Harman".



  1. When it comes to Broon and Harperson, the old saying, 'the cure is worst than the disease' comes to mind.

  2. I'd definitely have voted for her - and still would. Can't say I'm enamoured of any of the gnomes currently in the race.

  3. A trifle chauvinistic of Big Trev. Harriet Harman may not be popular, but she was a successful enough lawyer to become a QC and there are surely worse-looking MPs of both sexes.

  4. The news coming from Down Under was Rudd was behaving in a way reminiscent of Brown, given to tempers, not working with colleagues and treating them in a shambolic way, had even delusions like multiethnic Australia- a large Australia filling up with immigrants in numbers who will be voting fodder etc..I never liked him after having seen the clip in which he was using the stuff from his ear as a toffee. But unlike Brown , he was an elected PM and until a few months ago was liked by the voters..Unlike Brown, he had real skills- he spoke fluent Mandarin. The plotters there had real balls, unlike the neutered specimens like Hoon and Co. As for Gillard, she has a balanace approach, not the haranging Harriet we have here. Unlike this specimen, she is liked by voters. Imagine Harriet overthrowing Brown, Cameron would have been home witha large majority.
