Saturday, June 05, 2010

2010 Survey: Your Voting Habits

These are the results of your voting habits from the 2010 blog survey. More than 3,000 of you took part...

Conservative 66% (+1%)
LibDem 12% (+4%)
Labour 6% (+1%)
UKIP 4% (-)
SNP 2% (-1%)
BNP 0.4% (-1.6%)
Green 1% (-1%)
Others were all below 1%
Won't Vote 7% (+3%)

  • 76% (+1) of you haven't changed your vote since 2005
  • 3.8% (-0.6) have switched from Labour to Conservative
  • 3.9% (+0.3) have switched from LibDem to Conservative
  • 3.8% (+1) have switched from Conservative to UKIP
  • 1.7% (1.5) have switched from UKIP to Conservative
  • 35% (+1) of you are members of a political party

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