Saturday, June 05, 2010

2010 Survey Results: Blogging Habits

  • 27% (+1) of you read between 6 and 10 blogs a day
  • An astonishing 15% of you read more than 10 blogs a day
  • 35% (-1) of you often read the comments on my blog. Only 4% (-) never do.
  • 56% of you never leave comments.
  • 57% (+5) of you want more gossip and 69% (+2) want more policy analysis
  • 89% (-7) of you believe blogging has an increasing influence on the media
  • 82% (-12) of you believe blogging has an increasing influence on politics
  • 77% (-9) of you read blogs more often than you did a year ago
  • 63% (+2) of you think blogs haven't fulfilled their potential
  • 12% (-2) of you read the blog via an RSS reader, 61% (+3) via your favourites on your toolbar, 10% (-1) via another site and 17% (+1) by typing the domain name each time
  • 30% (-17) read the blog more often than you used to and 8% (+3) less often than you used to
  • 13% (+5) of you read the blog more than 5 times a day, 10% (-4) 4 times a day, 43% (-4) 2 or 3 times a day
  • 11% of you started reading the blog this year, and 27% last year.
With regard to the future of the blog...

  • 55% want me to keep it exactly as it is
  • 28% want me to have a co-editor to enable more regular posts
  • 41% want daily or weekly posts from guest conributors
  • 17% think I should develop the blog into an online mag, less reliant on content from me
  • 7% want more audio and video content
  • 16% want me to ramp up humour and gossip at the expense of policy analysis
And these are the blogs you read every day...

Guido Fawkes 65% (-8)
Conservative Home 30% (-2)
Spectator Coffee House 35% (+4) 24% (-2)
Dizzy Thinks 20% (-3)
Ben Brogan 11% (-2)
Comment Central 10% (-2)
John Redwood 10% (-2)
Dan Hannan 12% (+1)
Nick Robinson 8% (-2)
Boulton & Co 5% (-2)
Archbishop Cranmer 7% (-1)
Paul Waugh 14% (+6)

Tom Harris 7% (-1)
Red Box 1% (-3)
LibDem Voice 3%
LabourHome 1%
LabourList 3%
Hopi Sen 3%
Liberal Conspiracy 2%
Norfolk Blogger 1%

Nearly 3,100 of you took part in the survey. 2009 figures are in brackets.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting Iain. Doubtless your thoughts will be communicated in due course.
    I found some new blogs as a result of the survey which might prove interesting, or not....
    These are eventful times we are experiencing. As one who is about to become an OAP the political scene and the consequences thereof are making my second childhood as challenging as my first for different reasons.
    Having marked Ted Heath down as the worst PM ever - for selling our Cornish fishing industry down the Swanee as the price of joining the EU - it was a surprise to see him left floundering in a very distant second place to the truly awful Great Leader ( and thief of £12K of taxpayers' money, even if repaid) G Brown who should be banished permanently to Rockall.
    Rock on.
