Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Portillo & Abbott Axed From THIS WEEK

Well, for a week, anyway.

Michael Portillo and Dianne Abbott will not be on the sofa on tomorrow's THIS WEEK. There is a new deadly duo. And you know what? Who are they?

David Davis and Hazel Blears. The Old Knuckle Duster v The Chipmunk.

It might just work...


  1. Oh God, not the chipmunk.

    Why can't they get a half sensible Leftie...

    Ah...ok...I see the problem. Chipmunk it is then.

  2. Oh thank God. You had me worried there.

  3. Still, I'd rather it was Abbott and Costello. Altogether more intellectually taxing.

  4. Is Abbott allowed on while she is also running as a candidate for Labour leader?

  5. Time for Iain to dig out his famous Blears shirt again :-)

  6. So the problem Hazel Blears had with her expenses...isn't a problem for her integrity then to be on the programme?

  7. Hopefully less smarm. The world-weary Portillo and the self-indulgent Abbott made this programme one to miss.

  8. Blears v Davis?

    It'll be Bambi v Godzilla

  9. If that is what is on then I for one will not be watching. What is that Left Wing producer thinking about. Is it his revenge for NuLiebor losing. Stop the Licence Fee

  10. I understand why Abott can't be on, whilst she's involved in this bunfight, but Portillo?

    Academic to me really though, because I won't be watching whilst the Cheque-waving Chipmunk inhabits the sofa.

  11. Oh no! Can't watch Blears grinning like a demented elf on crack without my lower intestines clenching. Far rather it was Abbott & Portillo, though guess that Diane couldn't carry on whilst running for leadership...

  12. @Pam Nash

    Think its due to them really being well known from a previous political generation and its time for fresh blood from the last incarnation...

  13. Clearly the BBC just want to cause trouble - mainly for the conservative party.

    I shall not be watching Blears ... and in the end that is our weapon, if you do not like or agree with the trend of a programme - do not watch it.

    Thats why I do not buy the Telegraph at the moment.

  14. Sensationalist headline tweeted brought me to the blog asap!

  15. "the BBC just want to cause trouble - mainly for the Conservative party."

    Even the Liberal Democrats are not Left enough for the BBC these days. The BBC are way to the Left of the general population.

    In the meantime I expect they will try their best to undermine the coalition, hoping that the "Increase Taxes to Fund the Public Sector Party" returns to power soon.

    After a lifetime of Leftist crap from the BBC I have had enough.

    Get a real job you Leftist parasites. Give us (you know the people who pay your wages) the choice to spend our money on the news suppliers of our choice.

    I wonder why Leftist organisations are so incapable of making money to support themselves. Oh yes, I remember now, they hate their customers.

    Why do we have a "Tory" press? Oh yes I remember now, when people go into a shop most people say "I am not buying that

    Guardian/Independent/New Statesman/Mirror


    That is why you are not given a choice about not paying your licence fee.

    Show me a Leftist and I will show you a sanctimonious work shy public sector worker living off handouts from the tax payer - and they hate you for it.

  16. Presumably the "dynamic duo" will be back next week when Diane's failed to get enough mugs to support her.
    In the meantime tomorrow should be interesting especially if Brillo goes for the jugular - in the nicest possible way of course.

  17. I'm sure it will be very interesting to see Mr Davis and Ms Blears on the television. But what is interesting is the horrified reaction in the comments here.

    "Clearly the BBC just want to cause trouble - mainly for the conservative party."

    Mr Davis is a long-serving MP with an interesting perspective on current events. How weak must the Tories be feeling if they see his getting the chance to take part in a discussion programme as a mortal threat?

    Oh, dearie me!

  18. In the interests of balance shouldn't there be pro-government presenter too?

  19. Iain,

    Just think, if you had done a better or more forceful job, we might have a Tory government and DD as PM right now.

    Keeps one awake doesn't it.

  20. MR/MS RJF - I suspect you wouldn't know a half-sensible leftie if one came and kicked you in your well-padded backside. Mr/Ms Wild - I'm a 'leftist' as you so quaintly describe it and I bet I pay more tax than you do via the numerous 'real' jobs that I do. And as for your gorgeous swipe at 'Leftist' occupations in general, I love the fact that you are so vehement and yet so spectacularly wrong, it's a blessed reminder of why I detest the ideology you embrace so tightly. Sanctimonious? You, sir/madam, are the finest exponent of that art that I have read in a long time. Well done, you should be proud.

    For the record, if it's true then I think it'll be quite an interesting tussle between the two newbies. I shall watch with interest.

  21. Da Don,

    You demonstrate precisely what you effect to contradict; your talk of a well padded backsides (no doubt in your hate filled little imagination you picture a Daily Telegraph or even worse a Daily Mail reader in the Home Counties) being kicked says it all.

    By the way, you sub-Marxist cretin, Conservatives do not have "ideologies". But then knowing nothing about that which you speak is not unfamiliar territory for you, given your conviction that sanctimonious workshy Lefties are a fiction of the Tory press.

    Why you feel the need to tell us about all your jobs (and all the tax you pay) I cannot say, since it is your conviction that other should be forced to pay the wages of Lefties such as yourself that is at issue.

    As for sensible Leftists, feel free to celebrate them, given that there is no prospect of you becoming one yourself.
