Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ming's Next Move?

Yesterday Ming Campbell saw his dreams of being Speaker of the House of Commons finally slip away, when John Bercow secured his re-election.

But by the afternoon, the GOM of the Liberal Democrats had his eyes set on another high falutin' office - the Chairmanship of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Sir John Stanley thinks the job is his for the asking. He may have to think again.

Can I also offer my congratulations to my old friend from North Norfolk, Norman Lamb, who was yesterday appointed Chief Parliamentary and Political Advisor to Nick Clegg. I still can't work out why he wasn't made a Minister, but it will nevertheless be fascinating for him having a ringside seat.


  1. Ming's next move should be accept his uselessness with humility.

    Having scavenged at the taxpayers expense he would be best advised to sit out his time on the backbenches in penance.

    He's wildly overrated and ball-breakingly pompous.

  2. I'm glad Norman Lamb's been given a job. I saw him being congratulated on the TV yesterday, but missed most of the interview.

    As for Ming, he could well be disappointed !

  3. Oh, and whilst we on the subject, can you imagine what a car crash the recent negotiations would have been if the pompous old fart had retained the leadership?

    Shudder at the thought...

  4. I agree with Stepney.

    In addition, Cambell, Ashdown, Kennedy and Steele are clearly, collectively gutted at the success of Clegg in taking the Lib Dems into power. All of a sudden they're all raving socialists. On the flip side, Shirley Williams thinks it's all a great idea.

  5. Perhaps Ming could go back to advertising Scotch VHS tapes - "Re-record, not fade away".

    At least I always assumed it was Ming:

  6. During the negotiations for the coalition Ming did the rounds of the TV and radio studios with David Steel. Both of them were spectacularly vicious about David Cameron and the Tories and neither should be rewarded for their appearances with any prizes. Cameron has already been more than generous. The LibDems like to repeat the fact that the Tories did not receive a majority as an excuse for their blackmail. But the LibDems themselves received less than ringing endorsement from the electorate.

    Colin, I quite agree. The failed old yesterday's men are being driven mad with jealousy and think they have some sort of right to cash in and exert influence.

  7. Loath as I am to praise a tory, I thought Stanley was excellent and I hope he stays in place. I have a hunch that Hague might quite like him moved.

  8. 400 pounds per month claimed for food! No wonder he can't compete with Usain Bolt. Probably couldn't even compete with John Prescott.

  9. I think before the events of last 48 hours there was a very good chance of Ming getting the chairmanship - everyone was talking about it before your 'bombshell' the other night.

    However, I think Ming has damaged his chances somewhat by flirting with Nadine Dorries and her pathetic coup.

  10. Ming, the buddy of Brown is a self-styled foreign affairs expert.
    Besides as a failed leader of LibDems, his ego does not make him to activel seek for an office. Like DeGaulle, he thinks that the high office will come to him. Very deluded old man indeed. With Steel, he was going round rubbishing Cameron and the Tories, not recognising that his party spectacularly failed at the GE.

  11. Fred Blogs and Norman are spot on. Ming represents the very worst of the old grandees. He has an expectation of deference that I'm afraid should not ever be acceptable.

    He is a representative of the commoners - yet have you ever seen anyone less likely to act in that role?

    The troughing was bad enough - but his rabbit-in-the-headlights performance on QT, almost a Caecescu moment, damns him to forever live a life on the backbenches.

    He and his sort are not welcome in positions of authority and responsibility anymore.

  12. Where does the Emperor gain his Foreign Affairs credentials from, anyway?

    The guy is a jibbering waste of space who hopefully has been slapped down on the backbenches where he belongs. Second funniest Party Leader in the 21st C after the twins, Iain and Duncan Smith.

    He was sitting in Skinner's seat yesterday, too...
