Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Labour's Potential 'Homophobic' Ally

I understand Gordon Brown and his team are starting talks with the DUP. This might prove rather embarrassing for them

On the day before polling day last week, Brown wrote to the DUP promising to maintain Northern Ireland's public funding for 2010-11. Its new Commons intake includes newly elected North Antrim MP, Ian Paisley Jnr.

His homophobia is notorious. In 2004 he vowed to oppose same sex civil partnership, saying it was "an abhorrent demand that turns the stomach of any decent thinking person".

In 2005, he condemned a rival unionist party after one if its advisers got hitched to his boyfriend in a civil partnership overseas. Paisley Jnr said gay relationships were "offensive and obnoxious".

In 2007, Paisley Jnr said in a magazine interview that he was "repulsed" by homosexuality. By this stage he was a Minister in the devolved NIreland administration in the department whose remit included gay equality.

His ministerial career did not last long - he resigned in Feb 08 after controversy over expenses and his links to a property developer.

Now, of course, the Labour Party can coalesce with whom it wants. But let's not hear any more rubbish from Denis MacShane, Nick Clegg and others about the supposed 'homophobic nutters in the Movement for Reform in the European Parliament. Because it would be rather hypocritical, wouldn't it? In the circs.


  1. Ah thats ok, cos Labour are the good guys.

    Its amazing what you can get away with if you are one of the good guys. Just ask the lib dems

  2. Their criticism of the Conservative's Polish allies was always hypocritical. So is this post Iain because the Conservatives never voiced this criticism when they thought of the DUP as allies of a Conservative minority government. May I assume that among those in the know that option is no longer considered feasible?

  3. The "progressive" DUP. Oh my aching sides.

  4. Lets not hear any more comments from McShameless. That is why he is McShameless he has no real principles. He is just a vile Labour mouthpiece, so expect him to exclaim any rubbish that suits his and his master's purposes.

  5. Just shows how Labour desperate Labour are at the moment
    It Is The British Electorate Who Are Truly Progressive: http://wp.me/pRHY4-V

  6. It's even better than that Ian.

    The DUP is known locally as the Developers' Unionist Party. Aside from Irisgate (£50k in gifts from developers to help her toyboy lover's business with an immediate 10% cut in cash to her) there is the strange matter of the sale of the Robinsons' back garden which was the subject of a BBC NI report.

    Robbo and his neighbours were in touch with a developer who wanted to buy the land but access was controlled by a 'ransom strip' owned by another developer. Robbo bought the strip from him for £5 and sold it to the other developer for £5 then pocked a reported £470k for his back garden. All above board he insists - I bought if for a fiver and sold it for the same price so how can I have done anything wrong. Strangely the developer who sold it to him for £5 was one of the ones who happily gave Iris £25k cash as soon as she asked for it. Well, its nice to have friends.

    It appears that Robinson's constituents were a bit more sceptical and ejected him from Parliament last week. As he made his gracious farewell speech, several ungrateful people in the audience could be seen waving £5 notes as he spoke. Never mind. He is staying on as our First Minister and Shaun Woodward has said that he is beyond reproach.

    But even leaving all that aside even the more rational members of the DUP (and I use that term loosely) deny evolution and insist that the universe was created by God on a Thursday afternoon in October 4004BC at around 6pm.

    Global warming is either a myth or God’s will and doesn’t matter anyway as we all await the rapture any day now.

    The Pope is the AntiChrist sent to earth to mislead mankind into sin and depravity with a DUP MP’s son running the tastefully named ‘No Pope Here’ campaign to oppose his visit to the UK.

    Sex Education must be banned, grammar schools introduced, foreign languages banned (well Irish ones anyway) and god help Prince William if he’s ever caught shagging a Catholic.

    What did Mandleson call it? Oh yes, a Progressive Majority.

  7. Will you keep this post up if there is a Tory minority government dependent on the DUP?

  8. Nicely put, most of them are hypocrites at heart though really. Aren't they? @MattJakeman

  9. A rather bizarre post considering abysmal Tory record on gay rights votes.

    Perhaps someone should warn the Lib Dems the same thing before they decide to side with the Conservatives?

    Otherwise, as you say, it could prove to be "rather embarrassing for them".

  10. Hi Iain,

    I think a lot of Labour MPs would absolutely reject any kind of collaboration with the DUP for exactly those reasons. It seems to me that there's a lot of discomfort about the 'rainbow coalition' idea within the party.

    My view on today's goings on? Labour need to go into opposition and recover themselves with a new leader. My preference would be that the Tories have a minority govt but my suspicion is that the Lib Dems will partner up with them.

    I think we'll see the Tories govern for six months to a year and then call another GE in an attempt to secure a majority for themselves. I'm hoping Labour will be replenished enough to take them on wholeheartedly.

  11. I am sure that I read somewhere that you can only be homophobic if you are right-wing.

    Otherwise, you are not homophobic, just, uh, you have discriminating tastes.

  12. The Libs and others are being used by labour in a plot to gain 4/5 months to choose a new leader who will be more popular than Gordon Brown and then will go for an early election "when they can afford it". If the country wanted Liberal and Labour policies why did they not vote for them? All the banner waiving and calling for a different voting system was not backed up by votes!!

  13. It is most enjoyable to watch as the Tory commentariat whine and cry about how unfair this all is and how outrageous it would be for Labour to cut a deal with the "homophobic" DUP even though a DUP/Tory deal was being proudly trumpeted by the same commentators and media outlets only last week.

    The reality however is that Labour is not going to do a deal with the Libdems. First, the numbers are not there to demonstrate stable government. Second, the parliamentary Labour party will not deliver a block vote on PR. Third, Labour have no intention of putting together a coalition that will be weak and that will have to take the political fall out for hiking taxes and cutting spending whilst at the same time having to cut deals with the Celtic fringe.

    The Labour plan is clear. Let the Tories give their budget including all the tax rises they knew they were going to make but couldn't be bothered to tell us about. Let the Libdems tie themselves to the Tory ship and thereby give up every urban seat in the country. Let the Tories split internally as each concession is made to the Libdems. Labour will select a new leader by July and be in a position to mount effective opposition with a view to regaining power and a majority at a second election. Events may well mean that it won't work out that way but it would be electoral suicide to cut a deal with Clegg.

  14. First Catholics, now Gays when will he start on Jews?

  15. Er, no, it wouldn't.

    The three main parties are trying to form a stable government than can govern the UK. If a LibDem/Tory government doesn't work out, then the rainbow coalition is an obvious alternative. Labour have no real desire to work with them but if they can make a deal that gives us a stable governmment then that makes sense.

    It's completely different to voluntarily leaving a mainstream European Centre-Right political grouping to enthusiastically jumping into bed with a group of homophobic nutters and proudly announcing to the world that these are our new ideological bedfellows.

  16. I’d just like to mention the homophobic and neo-fascist nutters amongst the nasty new pals the Tories have stupidly adopted in the European Parliament instead of the EPP.

  17. Phillipa Stroud? Is she forgotten already?

  18. I've just watched representatives of all the Celtic fringe parties interviewed on Sky. Paisley Jnr made it clear that his support would depend on minimal civil service cuts in NI, the Welsh said they would sell their votes for £300,000 that they consider we owe them, and the SNP also hinted heavily that there would be a price (in £'s) to pay for their support. You might have thought the nationalists would at least have played down their greed until the deal was signed.

    I think it's approaching the time for Cameron to take the gloves off and to lead the English response. Not that it will do much good in the short term because it's beginning to look as if Mandelson has got him by the balls. However, come the next election, who knows? Backlash time for the progressives?

  19. You make a very good point, and Gordon Brown will have to be absolutely clear with the DUP that their views are obscene. Easier for Gordon and the Labour cabinet to do so, as that is what they believe.

    Obviously, your argument is cheapened by your failure to mention equally horrendous views shared by UUP, and supported by senior Tories.


  20. Labour's line of "Tory homophobes" is meaningless spin designed for the market of votes among half-wits. Tory gays (Matthew Parris, you and even Alan Duncan) are the Good Gays. Labour's Gays are simply rubbish: Mandelson and Bradshaw prove beyond any doubt that they are the Bad Gays. And the LibDems haven't had a half-decent Gay in ages.

    In fact, Iain if you did one of your lists "The Nation's Best-loved Gays (Politics and National Treasure Section), you would definitely find Matthew Parris right at the top of the list - for we love him dearly - while Mandelson was firmly rooted at the bottom - for we despise him passionately.

  21. Slightly off topic...

    Back to Lib-Dem-Con love triangle.

    After thinking about it overnight, and hearing Nick Robinson on The Daily Politics, I now realise what a genius Lord Mandy is.

    Nick Robinson reported that the LibDem negotiating team felt that half of the Labour negotiating team didn't appear to be very serious...

    Is Lord Mandy setting Nick Clegg up to humiliate him and ensure that the LibDems get a thrashing in the next election??? If so, I think he's doing a good job. If not, I bet he'll claim that was his plan all along.

  22. "the Conservatives never voiced this criticism when they thought of the DUP as allies"

    So? Point out when and where the Conservatives said no political party should work with the DUP on those grounds?

    Still waiting.............

  23. "I’d just like to mention the homophobic...nutters amongst the nasty new pals the Tories have stupidly adopted in the European Parliament instead of the EPP."

    Try to keep up you cretin.

  24. Hypocrisy and Labour are in a civil partnership

  25. Isn't it a lovely phrase: "rainbow coalition"? So much more poetic than "odds and sods" or "leftovers".

  26. Remains of the BAy

    You mean the potential candidate whom the party refused point blank to select because of those views?

  27. Aside from the fun and games here the reality underneath is much darker. Our election is being stolen. Our democracy undermined

  28. In the face of a so-called Progressive Alliance of the Left-wing Losing Parties; it is high time that those of us who care about our country, our economy and our future MUST pull together as never before. Yes, that means Tories, UKIP and democractic Minor Parties/Groups. There are also many small groups on-line, wanting to promote a single voice for those of a Realist, Conservative or Patriotic point-of-view; but we need to all pull together NOW!
    We are a brand new, all encompassing organisation. Please, if we can get membership to a significant number quickly, we can show that the silent majority of the British People will be silent no-longer! Please join, and get your like-minded friends to as well. It will cost you nothing and yet may save the country. If you lend us your support, then we will be able to lobby, co-ordinate and help focus the forces of truth and justice against those who tear up our constitution and make a mockery of our democracy!
    For YEARS I have waded through tens, if not hundreds of small splinter groups and parties who all think more or less the same - a free, united and prosperous Britain; but personality has got in the way of policy. In the face of the potential Lib-Lab Pact and the Economic Disaster to follow, we need to put aside our difference and speak with one voice against this so-called 'progressive' alliance of the losers!
    Now is chance for new blood, a new dawn. Our grand parents and great grand parents succeeded in leading this country through the blood and toil of the past, and delivered us a land fit for heroes - but following generations have all but squandered this noble inheritance through apathy. However, it's not too late to banish cynicism, vanquish despair and rebuild hope for a better future for our children. Straighten your back and hold your head up high. We must retake control of our lives and act as the root, core and brain of the life of our country by getting involved in society. Through united effort we can all become the saviours of our country, our families, our future. Just have confidence, compassion, strength and good judgement - and the future is ours for the taking. Never weary, never falter, never despair!
    Now is a chance to show the so-called 'Progressive' Alliance that the silent majority of realistic, patriotic people in Britain are United against this left-wing coup! Please join and pass it on!


  29. You do realise you had a joint candidate with them in Fermanagh last week don't you?

  30. " ...while Mandelson was firmly rooted at the bottom "

    Raises eyebrows, sniggers quietly to self and moves swiftly on.....

  31. The Brown resignation is the Blair resignation all over again. I'm going, but not quite yet, kinda thing.

    It's like one of those movies where evil gets hold and won't let go, and the characters look more and more like ghosts the longer they drag themselves from scene to scene, yet they never actually die.

    New Labour started with a love-in (Bambie). They have gradually descended, via comedy (Mr Bean) through tragedy (Wuthering Heights) into horror (Gordon's Electoral Graveyard).

    What's the sequel title for the Milibands going to be - Vampires In Whitehall?

  32. " You do realise you had a joint candidate with them in Fermanagh last week don't you? "

    No we didn't. He was an independent and said that if elected he would normally take the Conservative whip on national issues but vote on conscience on local issues

  33. Whetever they may be a bunch of Conservative supporters saying we voters should not be allowed a referendum on whther we have an electoral system where the results are in proportion to how the votes went aren't representing a majority - silent or otherwise. They probably don't represent more than half the 36% who voted Conservative.

    The effect of FPTP is to corrupt the vote. If the Tories really believe that is popular then they will want a referendum on it because they will win.

    The fact they don't want it proves we need it.

  34. Roman Jones. A wonderful diatribe against a paper tiger. There will be no Lib/Lab coalition. In fact the Tory party in whom you place so much faith has reportedly agreed a coalition deal with the LibDems. Any prospect of true conservative government is now dead to be replaced with promises on a low carbon economy, a fairer tax system and a referendum on PR.

    I'm guessing that wasn't the proud patriotic plan for government that you had in mind?

  35. It was, Jim, a purely unintentional pun...but then it just seemed so appropriate.

    Ahhhh Brown is finally vacating the premises. Nothing - not even an austerity budget which will rip into our national heart and soul - will prevent me opening up a wee bottle of something tonight and celebrating. Happy Days!

  36. Although I read and like Dales blog could I remind readers that Ian Paisley jnr was returned with a huge mandate by the people of North Antrim unlike Mr Dale, not bad for a so called homophobe. Could I also remind Mr Dale that he was forced out by a vicious media campaign lead by the left wing BBC and it was eventually found that he he had done nothing wrong in the propery deal. The problem is that we dont live in country with free speech anymore we live in a Liberal fascist dictatorship where you are only allowed to say and think what they think you should think and say. Equality is of course a right but dragging people off to police custody suites for daring to state their rightly held religious beliefs in public has put this country on to the road of a Stalinist dictatorship and is totally totally wrong.

  37. I think you will find that the DUP's Sammy Wilson is an all-round hero and good guy. Shades of grey, Iain, shades of grey.
    See what he is capable of here:

  38. "No we didn't. He was an independent and said that if elected he would normally take the Conservative whip on national issues but vote on conscience on local issues"

    You withdrew your candidate in order to support him.

  39. Well said Gary. NB Iain as long as you keep firing off crazed homofascist tirades as e.g. re. Philip Lardner, you too will be part of the problem.
