Saturday, May 15, 2010

Five Things You Never Knew About Our New Ministers

1. Lord Howell, Minister of State, FCO, would like Japan to become a member of the Commonwealth.
2. The new Minister of State at the Department of Health, Simon Burns, is a chain smoker.
3. Henry Bellingham, PUSS at the FCO, was called 'Mouse' at school, a nickname he retains to this day. Great in negotiations.
4. Lynne Featherstone's first act as junior Home Office Minister was to slag off her own government for its 'equalities' record.
5. Nick Harvey, the new Minister of State at the Ministry of Defence, managed to speak out in favour of the Eurofighter and against it, all within the space of a month.


  1. I heard Lynne Featherstone whingeing on the radio, and assumed it was sour grapes because she hadn't got a job !

    Why's Norman Lamb not been given one ?

  2. so no change there then - a government of plonkers

  3. One senses you aren't particularly happy with the coalition!

  4. I heard LynneF's stream of non-sequiturs on R4 yesterday*.

    She was monstered by Kirsty Alsop who beat her about the head with a reason stick.

    LF clearly has been free to spout this particular canard in front of people who will nod for way too long.

    * World at One, I think.

  5. Why should England tremble eh???

  6. inconsistency has never been a bar to high political office in the past so why should it be different now ?

  7. The idiocy continues.

    Nothing new, just a change of management.

  8. Will Norman Baker use his new position to access information about the 'suicide' of Dr David Kelly?

  9. "Nick Harvey, the new Minister of State at the Ministry of Defence, managed to speak out in favour of the Eurofighter and against it, all within the space of a month."

    A bit like David Cameron on Nick Clegg...

  10. What was it the other day you were saying about "Oxbridge grads are very intelligent and it's great that they are in the Cabinet rather than UEL grads"?

  11. 'Simon Burns is a chain smoker'. To be pedantic, I think not. It's a physical impossibility — unless his office is on the roof.

  12. In any competition Lynne Featherstone has to be a strong contender for the most stupid MP in the Country.

  13. I always thought Nick Harvey was a 'rent-a-gob'. All his pronouncements on TV news have been simple soundbites designed to put him in the best light.

  14. David Cameron visited the Scottish Parliament within a few days of becoming PM--something his predecessor NEVER DID AT ALL while he was PM. (Narked at losing to the SNP in 2007)
