Tuesday, May 25, 2010

EXCLUSIVE: New Intake Launch Takeover Bid For 1922 Committee

I always said that the new intake of 148 Conservative MPs would want to do things their own way and so it is proving to be. I've just found out that no fewer than 12 of them are standing for election to the 1922 Executive tomorrow. An interesting figure that, considering there are exactly twelve vacancies. Anyone might think that someone was encouraging them... If I were a conspracy theorist I might also believe that their colleagues might vote for then en bloc to send a signal of real change.

The twelve new MPs standing are Harriet Baldwin, Gavin Barwell, Angie Bray, Jackie Doyle Price, Charlie Elphicke, Lorraine Fulbrook, Rob Halfon, Andrea Leadsom, David Nuttall, Priti Patel, Mark Reckless and Alex Sherbrook.

The twelve old lags also standing are David Amess, Peter Bone, Peter Bottomley, Graham Brady, Julian Brazier, Philip Davies, James Gray, Bernard Jenkin, Laurence Robertson, Nicholas Soames, David Tredinnick, Andrew Turner and Charles Walker.

The election for chairman is between Graham Brady and Richard Ottaway.

For the two Vice Chairman positions, Peter Bottomley, Charles Walker, Nicholas Soames and John Whittingdale will fight it out.

For the secretaryship Chris Chope, Mark Pritchard and David Tredinnick will copmpete.

Brian Binley is the only nomination for Treasurer.

The election takes place tomorrow.


  1. Well I would love to see my fellow metal'ead win. So I hope Wittingdale gets the win. Good to see the young guns having a go. Lord knows new blood is needed.

  2. For a brief moment it almost looked as if Lightweight might finally stand up to the swivel-eyed tendency. Barely a week in and bitchslapped by Sir Bufton already.

  3. Conspiraacy theory or not they have every right to stand and this is the correct way of trying to gain influence rather than trying to gerrymander as CCHQ attempted with their first attempt.

  4. Excellent news - just whats needed to split this complacent power base.

    Hope for fresh faces with fresh attitudes.

  5. Quite right too. If the '22 is meant to be the "voice of the backbenchers", then then given that the new members make up more than half of all backbenchers, clearly they ought to comprise a fair chunk of the committee.

  6. Glad to see David Nuttall on the list - he'd make a fine addition.

  7. They're all losers as far as I'm concerned. Right wing Tories / Tory Old Guard... fading away, slowly but surely.

  8. Will someone remind me ... what planet is Jimmy living on?

    What we see is the point of winning (well nearly winning, well a pretty big sized chunk of a share of winning). ie actually having some influence in government of getting something done.

    We now have 305 tory MPs not a nice cosy 198.

  9. @trevorsden: @Jimmy is in a state which needs medication. The prognosis is if he spouts this kind of nonsense any further, his medication has to be administered with him in a straight jacket. I would suggest a cheaper alternative: Transcendental medication in the foothills of Himalayas for an year.

  10. You mean Alec Shelbrooke-MP for Elmet & Rothwell as the last one of the 12

  11. 6 men & 6 women - is a backdoor quota operating here???

  12. The most interesting thing about all these names Iain is that the old guard general committee members and ALL nominees for executive roles are MEN, whereas half the newby nominations are women.

    I am extremely disappointed that my tweets or tweets on the matter has been ignored by Tories at large: Why is Nadine Dorries not up for Chair? Is it because she is not married?

    Incidentally in the event that Graham Brady wins the Total Politics rally in Manchester will have had at least two of the Chairs of backbench committees as Tony Lloyd was also on that one.

    Of course the Lib Dems don't usually have any back benchers. They are virtually all Mimicsters, and this continues. But if Mr Mark Hunter could be made chair of the Beverage (Beveridge?) Group you'd have a clean sweep.

  13. The Cameron project will kill the Conservative Party. All Traditional Conservatives and Real Conservatives need to split and break away before the destruction begins.

    Cameron and the Liberal Conservatives are fakes who have hijacked the party for their own cause. If they like progressive ideas as such then why don't they just join the Lib Dems.

    Time to reclaim the Party.
