Thursday, May 20, 2010

EXCLUSIVE: Evans & Hoyle to Stand in Deputy Speaker Elections

Sir Alan Haselhurst has just confirmed to me that he does not intend to stand in the election for the two Deputy Speaker positions, and I can also reveal that Conservative MP Nigel Evans and Labour MP Lindsay Hoyle will be among those contesting the election.

Because of the way the Procedure Committee structured this, Sir Alan could not have stood for his current position, as that has to go to a Labour Party representative, so he has decided to retire from a presiding role altogether. It's a shame the system was decided in this manner as his experience could have been put to very good use.

Nigel Evans is already on the Chairman's Panel and would certainly bring some colour and flamboyance to the role if he's elected. He's popular on all sides of the House and I think would be a very good choice. I've always thought he would look good in tights...

I am also told, but cannot yet confirm, that Roger Gale and Edward Leigh are both considering running.


  1. Great pity about Sir Alan, who I think is the best they'd had there for some time.

    Edward Leigh would be very good on a number of counts. I have been impressed with him, including watching him at work when visiting the House when he chaired a Public Accounts Committee meeting.

    I don't really know anything about Nigel Evans, except that apparently he has done cabaret with Lembit Opik in the past(!)

  2. Sir Alan Haselhurst should just retire - completely! I can't bear having him as my MP. He's hopeless. He's far too old to carry on - why didn't he step aside and let the next generation have a go? Also, there is the question of his dodgy expenses that he 'paid back'. pppfffttt Just go, Sir Alan - Just go!

  3. Worth noting that Edward Leigh has been bounced out of his role as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee because, by convention, that has to go to an opposition MP.

    Presumably there will be other candidates for the Deputy Speakerships.

  4. I have also been told Edward Leigh, but apparently he is already being briefed against from inside and outside the Tory Party and will probably realise he can't win.

  5. Canvas,

    What a typically ageist remark. So you're prepared to throw out ability and experience on the basis of 'letting the next generation have a go'? Is there any indication that this next generation has any competence and ability? This isn't some sort of fairground ride is it?

  6. Nigel Evans? Seriously? Why on earth you want such a poisonous individual in the Speaker's Chair?

  7. The Standing Orders of the House also state that "at least one man and one woman shall be elected across the four posts of Speaker and Deputy Speaker", so if only one woman stands for election, and even comes last, they will be deemed elected. The election itself is conducted using STV.

  8. Sorry this is off-topic, but well done Iain for your stance on the BA cabin crew strike.
    Yes, the strike will be hugely inconvenient to passengers and hugely damaging to the airline's economic future.

    But it is wrong that it was banned on a legal technicality.
    Today that ban has been overturned.
    I have no axe to grind, but I view that as a victory for justice.

  9. @ Hamish

    Never confuse the Law with Justice - unless your interpretation of Justice is very broad-ranging.

  10. @unsworth ha! It's perfectly clear that the 40s is where it's at! Get rid of the old fogeys - this is new politics. Step aside oldies and let the revolution begin. New fogeys are better than old fogeys.

  11. As well as being liked and respected by all sides of the House, Nigel Evans mastery of Parliamentary procedure is second to none. I reckon he would make an excellent addition the Bercow's team.

  12. @ Canvas

    Well OK then. Just as long as their learning curve costs me nothing at all I'm content. The trouble with many of these people is that their ambition far exceeds their ability - and as a result we're all forced to pay for their education.

    As to Revolution - just like Cuba or North Korea, eh?
