Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ed Miliband: A Politician Without Principle

Hasn't Ed Miliband got any principles? Not according to his leadership campaign website...

UPDATE: I see that Ed Miliband's webmaster has now removed the "Ed's principles" headline rather than actually add a list of principles! Hilarious!


  1. Allegedly, his principles consist of not invading Iraq but not having the balls (oh, sorry - wrong idiot) to do anything about it at the time...

    Actually scratch that, you're right. He has none.

  2. E, mpty
    D, eluded

    M, isreable
    I, diot
    L, ooks
    I, nward
    B, ullshitting
    A, nd
    N, othing
    D, one.
    Sorry took 20 seconds, given longer could do better.
    Now off to bed, vandalisim on the farm has cost me £400:00+ due to the Labour right to roam, just send this milibrain round to me and I sort him out!

  3. Iain, it is good that you are exposing the socialist shit for what they are. the more we normal people stand up and proclaim normal thoughts and behaviour, the sooner the marxists will be forced back into their nests. My wish it to live to see the total destruction of socialism. It was always a force for bad. I am a Christian, so I see it as a force for evil. But surely the atheist/agnostic element of our wonderful country can see that 100 years of socialism has been bad for us?

  4. and there endeth the sermon

    did you miss all that stuff Jesus said, you loony twat?

    (I bet he hates the gays too Iain...)

  5. Its interesting to see the hate machine swing into action.

  6. Is "ideaslists" the embarrassing typo it looks like or is it some sort of in-vogue word that the Westminster set use when they're talking amongst themselves?

  7. Very good Iain, and only 4 days after Mark Pack! :p

  8. Should have written 'Ed's Principles are currently under construction'. They depend on which unions decide to back him. He is a Blairite after all.

  9. No principles, how very New Labour...

  10. Not one of the Labour leadership contenders has any principles whatsoever.

    Faced with a choice between Milipillock, his little brother Miliplonker, Gordon Brown's mini-me Ed Balls, Andy Burnham (who?) and the obese, hypocritical self-publicist Diane Abbot, the Labour Party membership must be in deep despair.


  11. He's waiting for the focus group results before he proclaims his convictions. This IS new politics Iain - get with the agenda.

  12. Oh yes, I agree with all your insightful comments about Milli-E's lack of principles highlighting the wider malaise in the ZaNULiebour Partei and our new politics as a whole.

    Either that or the website is under construction you bunch of plonkers.

    Talk about grasping at straws.

  13. None of the Labour leadership candidates, apart from maybe Diane Abbott, have any principles. Ed Miliband crystallises this overall. And the screenshot on your post - hilarious! LOL! Sums him up really.
