Monday, April 19, 2010

Words, Words, Words

Click on image to enlarge

The above graphic of the words the three leaders used in last Thursday's debate appears to say something about why Clegg’s “they’re both the same” attack had resonance with the audience, and perhaps about who he’d really rather do business with post-election. It is for example notable that there are as many common words between Brown and Cameron as between the three of them, and much more between Clegg/Cameron than Clegg/Brown. It’ll be interesting to see if the same trends happen in the next two debates.

*Graphic from Millward Brown


  1. That's what I've been saying at the Conservative Home blog where they're all running around like headless chickens.

    As Frankie said . . . "relax".

    Is it such a bad thing to loose a few Tory seats to the Lib Dems when they will ultimately destroy the Labour vote?

    The LibDems have more in common with David Camerons Tories (not the nasty rump of the old Tories whom everyone hated) than the appallingly corrupt Labour Party. As your graph suggests, Iain.

    This is the best thing to happen to politics in a very long time - at last we have the possibility of getting rid of the two party hegemony of elected dictatorship under FPTP and the chance for some REAL democracy under PR.

    An end to 'safe seats' and an enfrachisement of the majority rather than the minority 'fortunate enough'(?) to live in a marginal seat.

  2. Someone is obviously as bored by this election as I am.

    And what can you read into the image - anything you want is the short answer I'm afraid.

    Anyway we could get really serious and start plagiarising Obama girl couldn't we?

  3. If we are really going to read stuff into this I would say that Cameron has the least unique words. Does this mean that he has the least ideas and no overwhelming ideology.

    I actually think that we cannot read anything into it, but it was a good read.

  4. words should be sized to show the most common, rarest...
