Sunday, April 25, 2010

Who Would You Like to See Have a Portillo Moment?

We all have our pet hates in politics. We all know who we would most like to see the back of on May 6th. So I thought I would let my readers vent their spleens and take part in a one question survey.

So, pick the three Labour Cabinet Ministers who you would most like to see lose their seats on 6 May.

Who did I go for? Ed Balls, Yvette Cooper and Ben Bradshaw. My night would be complete if that little threesome were consigned into political history.

Click HERE to vote for your own three choices.


King Athelstan said...

The Balls' and the Millipedes.

Pip said...

All of them - I find I cannot limit it to three. I have no repect for any of them.

Mirtha Tidville said...

everyone Liebour to be honest but those three litle shites would do nicely for a start........

Benny said...

Click where?

Darsalon said...

Would agree with that except change Bradshaw for Harman. Would someone please get rid of that witch please? ;o)

Plato said...

Have you been reading by any chance????

I've been running this poll nominations all evening...

Gordo the Clown said...

No HatTip for PoliticalBetiing where this has been running in the comments for hours already?

miko said...

1.)Ed Balls

2.) His sister/"wife" Yvette Cooper

NOTE: At her old college,Alton College,they are already cutting whole syllabuses - the International Baccalaureate will be stopped after 2011 - great,nothing like Labour to screw up our kids education).

3.) Liam Byrne

The list was so rich in possible targets - could we not extend it to the top 20?

Iain Dale said...

Seeing as I haven't looked at today and didn't know they were doing this, I don't think a hattip is in order at all!

Anonymous said...

Its all a bit bitter and personal in my opinion. Bad politics.

Bill Quango MP said...

Harriet has to be on there.
A one trick pony without much of a trick.

charles said...

Dawn Primarolo
Peter Hain
Ed Balls

That would do it for me

Unknown said...

Gotta be the Balls Up, Harperson and Moustache Bob!

neiljward said...

Ed Balls, Yvette Cooper and ed milipeed

cynicalHighlander said...

I have two fairy storytellers one in Kircaldy and the other in East Renfrewshire. Mind you we are spoilt for choice up here.

Thorpe said...

Ed Balls - obviously.

Harriet Harman, because she is truly deluded and dangerous.

Bob Ainsworth, to send a message to the entire Labour leadership that employing a spineless non-entity as Secretary of State for Defence is an utter betrayal of the Armed Forces, particularly when fighting 2 wars when not adequately funded for one. Don't ever do it again.

Anonymous said...

Three? Well leaving aside the obvious 'only three?' .... I will settle for a majority of three.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about a Portillo moment but I'd love to see Peter Mandelson have a Julius Caesar moment

Tapestry said...

Since Labour relaunched as The Classic Artists Revivalist Party (CRAP), I would almost be sorry to see them thrown out. But I suppose it's inevitable now.

How will we get laughs out of cool Clegg or concerned Cameron? Only Boris can equal Brownian levels of ineptitude. Watch him on Youtube rocking around to The Hokey Cokey, to see what I mean.

Brown did 'Wonder Of You' two days ago. Next he can mime 'I just wanna be your teddy bear' and on May 6th let's have a loud blast of 'Another One Bites The Dust' every time a big Labour name is sent hurtling to oblivion.

Unknown said...

The Balls and Liam Byrne. I'd hope the anti-sleaze vote would mean we could get rid of Blears and McNulty as a bonus.

CityBlue said...

Bercow, Bercow and Bercow.

JohnRS said...

Three?? THREE??

I need a lot more votes than three!!

Silent Hunter said...


Ed Balls, Yvette Cooper, Jacqui Smith, Hazel Blears, Jack Straw, Dennis McShane & Keith Vaz.

phraxi said...

The Balls'

Michael Heaver said...

I will literally go ballistic if the odious John Bercow is beaten by Nigel Farage. Imagine Bercow's face and Farage's victory speech!

Guthrum said...

Mandelson, Mandelson & Mandelson

Jabba the Cat said...

Shame there are only three choices permitted, five or six would make more sense.

CC Baxter said...

Harman, Hain and Balls. Sounds like a music hall act from the 30's.

Ruth said...

You missed Diane Johnson.

Bilbo said...

Isn't Brown a Cabinet Minister? Mind you I'd be voting for him three times...

Null said...

Balls, Balls, and Balls

Cazzy Jones said...

Harman for her humourless, politically correct feminism.

Hain for being an all round oxygen thief with no redeeming features - "Hain The Pain" is a total understatement.

Alexander for the uncontrollable urge he created to throw heavy objects at the TV screen whenever he went on about road pricing and climate change in his fingernails-on-a-blackboard accent.

The case for Balls, Miliband etc is strong but it might make sense to see some of them on the opposition benches just to remind us never to put Labour in power again.

Andrew Harnwell said...

I have, I find, a total chubby for the very lovely Yvette Cooper. On the other hand | just don't want to see any more of Keith Vaz, Ed Balls or Jacqui Smith.

Anonymous said...

Boring, but the Balls' and Bradshaw

Norton Folgate said...

"Mandelson, Mandelson & Mandelson"

Unelected, unelected & unelected.

It'll take more than our piss weak excuse for democracy to get rid of that poisonous vermin.

Simon Gardner said...

Peter Lilley, I’ve trod in some Fraser Kemp, ghastly Claire Ward (who is bound to lose Watford anyway), Nigel smug Evans, Michael evil-bastard Howard, loony Bill Cash, Douglas Carswell, Tom Harris, David etiolated frog Lidington, John cyborg Redwood, Andrew Turner, Theresa May, Kate tally-ho Hoey, Fiona Mactaggart, Mad Nad Dorries, Claire Ward, Tim chinless Yeo, pious god-bothering Stuart Bell, David Blunkett, 'Sir' Gerald Kaufman, loathsome, loathsome Julian Lewis, all the Ulster Unionists without fear or favour, Jack undemocratic Straw, Claire Ward

Yes, I think I’ve trod in some Fraser Kemp has stood down - so too late and bloody Howard.

Hughes. said...

I thought I'd most like Mandelson to be deprived of his electoral mandate to participate in government by losing his seat, then I remembered he doesn't have either of those things.

In the end I went for the Balls. Hain and Harman would have their P45's too, if I had my way.

badger said...

Liam Byrne, Denis McShane, Ben Bradshaw - 3 of the most odious MP's ever to demean the name of politician.

Martin S said...

Who you chose, Iain. Plus Brown, Darling, the Milibands and David Wright.

Unknown said...

Iain said

"So, pick the three Labour Cabinet Ministers who you would most like to see lose their seats on 6 May."

Why only Labour, can't you think of a few conservative MPs as well.

Chris and Laura said...

Balls, Bradshaw and Byrne. Bercow would be the bonus ball.

Unknown said...

Yvette Cooper

Using the NHS variation on the classic Brown double count plus one method that comes to 3.

Unknown said...

One advantage of Cleggmania is the possibility of Red Dawn losing in Bristol South. If this happens, I and 20,000 other contractors will be popping open a big bottle of champers.

DespairingLiberal said...

I don't think it's very likely (sadly) in Balls's case - the new constituency looks like being at least 50% Labour and even with the big swing, he should survive comfortably. Yvette Cooper is equally unlikely to fall in Pontefract. Not many Labour big beasts look in much trouble.

I think one of my biggest laughs of the night (and one of the few "big beastettes" whose loss is a distinct possibility) will come from Ms Jacqui Smith (gifted by nature with a blessed lack of either ability or self-awareness). What a shame though that so many MPs we don't like of both parties are retiring!

I am watching Nick Clegg's talk from Edinburgh. MI5 appear to be up to their usual tricks, interfering with the live feed so that it is hard to listen to. Strangely, the interference has just ended about 30 seconds before the end of his speech.

Anonymous said...

I see Simon Gardner is as useless at counting and at answering the question as the Glorious Leader, himself.

Jackart said...

That totalitarian little oik, Vernon Coaker. And I'd like to see Yvette Coopers' Balls removed too. obviously.