Sunday, April 11, 2010

Who Should be the Next Editor of The Indy?

After Roger Alton's resignation as editor of The Independent on Friday, the media will be all agog to sse who the new Russian owners appoint. Rod Liddle has been ruled out, much to the relief of most journalists on the paper. And apparently Jeremy Paxman has turned down the opportunity.

My three top runners are riders are, in no particular order, John Kampfner, Donald Macintyre and Greg Dyke.

Kampfner has an advantage on the other two in that he speaks Russian. I'm told his name is very much in the frame. He was a high prodile editor of the New Statesman and is certainly no shrinking violet. He's currently chief executive at the Index on Censorship, but you get the feeling that he's itching to get back into the print media.

Donald Macintyre would be an inspired choice if the new owners intend to take the paper upmarket. He's one of the best journalists of his generation and is respected by virtualy everyone. He's a journalist's journalist and maybe it's time for him to return to these shores from Jerusalem, where he's been holed out for the last few years writing for the Independent. I'm told he's back to cover the election, which may be fortuitous.

Greg Dyke is probably the bookies' favourite. If the new owners intend to take the paper in a more populist direction, make more of its web presence and maybe even turn it into a daily freebie, it is difficult to see who would better match the role than Dyke. He would be a very popular boss and add some much needed fizz to the Indy's output.

Does anyone else have any insights they would like to share?


  1. I thought it was the Independent on Sunday, not the Independent on Friday?

  2. What happened to Rod Liddle - or was that just a joke?

  3. why is speaking Russian an advantage for an editor of the Indy? I speak Russian, can I have that job please?

  4. Ian, don't you mean DonalD McIntyre. Donal is a great investigative journalist, but he s certainly not based in Jerusalem. Donald with a D is

  5. Surely Kevin Maguire is a shoe-in? Heard he was hanging around Derry Street last week.

  6. Vlaidimir Putin? Oleg Pentofski?

  7. If he cocks it all up like he did with the Evening Standard then it really wont matter an arse who is editor.
