Monday, April 12, 2010

When Comical Ellee Told Gordon To Go

@BevaniteEllie is one of those annoying irritants on Twitter who you're desperate to unfollow, but is so comical in her love of all things Gordon, that you just have to stick with her to see what kind of vomit inducing comment she will come up with next. She is not known as Comical Ellee for nothing in her slavish devotion to the Prime Minister. Well, today she got her reward and was given the task of introducing the Prime Minister at the manifesto launch.

Unfortunately for Ellee Gellard she has form. Back in July 2008 she wrote a tirade against Gordon Brown, calling on him to quit.
Brown needs to speak up, change the face of Labour from New to Old, slimy and slick to rugged and honest, champion of the poor and 'normal' rather than the super rich, do this or go. We all know this, and he probably does too so why can he not speak - I have not heard from him as PM speaking with passion. How dare he stand by with personal interest watching our party sink it is not his to lose, it is ours. It is time to move on... In short, Brown (although I had high hopes and don't burden you with total responsibility) get your coat, time's up.

For the first time in my life, I find myself agreeing with her.


  1. I think that, for someone who clearly doesn't have English as her first (or even second) language, she does rather well. Don't you?

  2. Yes I agree she is a rather troubled young girl who will no doubt be in fits of tears on election night when her beloved party and leader are smashed electorally by the tories.

  3. I actually used to wonder if Comical Ellie was serious or just some kind of creation.

    I didn't realise that she had previous for u-turning but now this has come to light I am now even firmer in my belief that, a few months into a Tory government, her aggressively over-optimistic tweeting petering out, she will rebrand herself entirely.

    Am currently thinking ChurchilliteEllie, MacMillaniteEllie or even TebbititeEllie? All work well I think

  4. You can't even get her name right. Did you have to write this one yourself, instead of relying on CCHQ to do it for you?

  5. You're right. I'm a Labour supporter but I can see their faults and she's just sycophantic. That said, she's only very young. There's no need to be horrible...

  6. What a pathetic sycophant, this unqualified fawning over your party leader is really pitiful.

  7. Guido has, with characteristic delicacy, decorated his blog with a charming photo of la Gellard, which highlights the fons et origo of her profound political insight.

  8. Two things that irritate me about Ellie:

    1. She has nothing original or insightful to say. It's just straight up and down the party line; and

    2. She's basically famous for being young and pretty. If she was middle-aged and looked like Susan Boyle no-one would pay the slightest bit of attention to her (she certainly wouldn't have been invited to introduce the PM at his manifesto launch).

    But of course I, like you, follow her. We should both be old enough to know better.

  9. A silly, attention seeking little careerist pretends to be a socialist because she calculates she will progress through the ranks faster in Labour than she ever would as a Conservative.

    The Labour party is riddled with people like her that have achieved absolutely nothing at all but float to the surface because they sound more intelligent than the average Labour voter.

    Alex Smith, Tom Miller, Luciana Berger etc etc

    Watch their commitment to Labour disappear once the party collapses after the election.

    I predict Alex Smith will get a job with a merchant bank, Tom Miller will work as an admin assistant for Woking Borough Council, Luciana Berger and BevaniteEllie will pose nude together in 'Nuts'.


  11. "A silly, attention seeking little careerist pretends to be a socialist because she calculates she will progress through the ranks faster in Labour than she ever would as a Conservative. "

    I think that's unfair. Female tory MPs could be well into double figures this time round.

  12. She deserves criticism but some of the vitriol I've seemed aimed at her does leave a bad taste in the mouth.

  13. I can't unfollow the horrible woman as she blocked me!

  14. Jimmy, you're right, Labour really does put the Tories to shame when it comes to all women shortlists. Except when someone from Unite needs a safe seat.

    BTW, is there any criticism of Labour that you don't meet with a specious comparison to the Conservatives? Gone are the days when Labour stood on its own merits apparently. 'Not quite as bad as those Tory Toffs' is the best you can do.

    Never mind though, you'll be able to polish up your debating skills with four years in opposition.

  15. "She has nothing original or insightful to say. It's just straight up and down the party line"

    Caroline Flint model then. Ideal Cabinet material

    "She's basically .... young and pretty."

    and there the comparison ends.

  16. Ellie brings to mind some advice I was given many many years ago when I was a callow youth.

    A much older colleague and I were discussing the relative merits of some female friends and and he said, almost somewhat wistfully

    "Always remember my son, you have to talk to them afterwards"

  17. What does this Ellie person have to offer us all?

    Is she value for money?

  18. Her twitter profile announces "I love the Labour Party and Polly Toynbee's columns make me cry (in a good way)."

    I often cry in a good way when I read Polly as well. Less so than when I read Peter Hitchens though.

  19. "is there any criticism of Labour"

    My apologies. All I saw was a gratuitous personal attack on someone based on her age and sex. I hadn't picked up on the fact that this patronising sexist gibberish constituted a "criticism of Labour".

  20. So, Jimmy, I suppose Ellie was on that stage for reasons other than her age and sex?

    Her contribution to the arts, science or public service? Her philanthropy? Academic prowess?

    No. She was on the stage because she is totty. That Labour would choose her to introduce Brown speaks to their poor judgment and lack of respect for the electorate.

    And enough with the faux outrage - she is 20 not 13. She can speak for herself - as she so aptly demonstrated when she called for Gordon Brown to resign.
