Friday, April 23, 2010

Vote For Us, Because We're Not Them

Someone described this as the strangest twenty minutes on radio they had ever heard. Have a listen and make your own mind up. It's the moment when I became Nick Clegg, Lance Price became David Cameron and Lembit Opik transformed himself into Gordon Brown. I think I was a bit too convincing as Nick Clegg... I did think this bit was the highlight, though...

Lembit: I'm more concerned about a three way coalition, the way this is going...
Iain: I thought you liked three-ways, Lembit...
Lance: [collapses with laughter]
Richard Bacon: Excuse me, Excuse me...
Lembit: I heard that!

Click HERE and then scroll in to 1 hr 17 mins.


  1. Off Topic:

    On the UKIP website there is the announcement of the sad death of one of their Candidates.

    Apparently this means that that election in that constituency will be delayed until the 27th of May. Given the potential hung nature of the next Parliament then this delay will extend the agony of waiting.

    P.S. Last night's debate. Clegg held his own, but Cameron was a lot better. Also I saw Alex Salmond holding a copy of 'that leaflet' from Brown's own consituency on Sky after the debate. Porkies from Brown again.

  2. You became Nick Clegg? Not likely. He'll say anything for power, whereas you will...

    Oh wait.

  3. Oh and while I'm having a rant, can someone explain why increasing inheritance tax allowances only benefits the super-rich? Won't they be dead?

    Surely is their children who will have to pay the tax out of their inheritance, people who are quite likely to be middle-income families struggling with mortgates, student loans, and Gordons increase in NI?

  4. Martin,

    Don't cloud the debate with facts. Just go with the groove and get off on the envy and the sense of power that an "in the name of the people" State gives you.

  5. Iain,
    The burning question that we need answering today is:

    Are You a Chihuahua?
