Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Spot the Ogre

I don't think the advance people had done their prep, do you? Not that I would ever suggest Mr M was an 'ogre', oh no...


  1. I was in the Palace of Westminster yesterday, as my 16yo was being shown around by an old friend who is one of the (very effective) hereditaries. What struck me was the complete torpor of the place, which was really no different from the normal atmosphere.

    The debates in both Lords and Commons were depressingly lifeless: abstruse points of broadcasting convention being dribbled about in the Lords and Don Foster mouthing off ineffectually in the Commons. There was precious little activity in the corridors.

    The only real point of interest was what a midget Jack Straw is. He was bustling through the Central Lobby with a small team of brown-noses. I always had a mental picture of him being 6ft or so, but he's a squirt, and a squirt who had the panic-stricken look of imminent death about him. How desperately sad it must be (snigger!) to know that all that delicious and addictive power is about to end, that it's all downhill from here. As Enoch said: all political careers end in failure.

    Yo ho ho, bring on the tumbrils!

  2. why is anyone taking note from this crook,ogre no just the original shrek.everyone should is him about his dodgy dealings and mortgage applications,take the sting out of his tail.also DC should say we are revisiting all cases involving liebore mp's as the heads of the committe's were liebore people

  3. Mandelson is not an ogre but he is very very creepy, more of one of the undead I would say.

  4. It's indicative of how out of touch NuLabor is that they perceive Mandelson to be an asset to them. How many times does he have to resign in disgrace before they get the picture?

    I haven't met anyone who doesn't see him as anything other than a sleazy crook.

  5. Talking of Polishing Turds - scrubs up well for a sh1t doesn't he!

  6. Oh look - you can quite clearly make out 'ass' in 'association'. Tee hee...pathetic.

  7. oh dear, PM is incredibly patronising for someone with his decidedly dodgy past

  8. Iain

    Keep using that great line about Mandelson being the only politician who can slide uphill.
