Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Sinking Political Career of April Pond

Remember April Moat? She was the LibDem candidate in the Norwich North by election, who had previously been the LibDem candidate in Broadland, a seat the LibDems apparently had high hopes of doing well in. So well that they didn't bother selecting a replacement until a few weeks ago - from a shortlist of one...

But back to Ms Pond. The LibDems have been maintaining the pretence that she was an excellent candidate and would stand again in Norwich North in the general election. Except, I can reveal tonight that she won't. In fact, Norwich North LibDems haven't heard anything from Ms Pond since the by election, I am told by a party source. Rumour has it that they are selecting, or have selected, a candidate from hundreds of miles away.

I remember writing a blogpost last July repeating rumours I had heard that April Pond had fallen out with her Broadland councillors, who were refusing to back her campaign. That was why they were happy to get rid of her to Norwich North. It doesn't look like Norfolk LibDems appreciate Ms Pond's talents. And nor she, theirs.


  1. Iain, to be fair Broadland's seletion meeting was held back because of the weather.

    Also, the late selection does not seem to have done us any harm. We did win Taverham North with your truly taking this formerly safe Tory seat just 20 days ago.

    As you well know, the Tories thought they'd won this seat comfortably or why else would Keith Simpson have turned up tothe count ?

    As for April, I will simply say no comment.

  2. Very intriguing! Her Twitter page (@aprilpond) hasn't been updated since the evening the polls closed, and the Norwich Lib Dem web site ( seems to contain no suggestion that the constituency of Norwich North even exists! What a cock-up; you'd have thought they would have got their acts together before now.

  3. It's all a bit murky, isn't it?

    A straw bundle helps to clear ponds.

  4. Wili have an LD named Davis stephen as their PPC but as we all know.....

  5. Is this a bit like the chap who tried to be "winning here" in the Henley by-election? He was a council candidate in Plymouth a few weeks earlier, arrived in Henley claiming to be a local and accused the Conservative candidate of being parachuted in by CCHQ (despite him having been a local resident for years).

    All this after the local LibDems mysteriously sacked their candidate who had been in place for some time. Perhaps she was good enough to lose a general election but not to try to win in a by-election?

    However, as the LibDems are so keen on local candidates, presumably the same chap will be standing this time?

  6. April Pond? Perhaps no - one has heard from her because she is Time Travelling with Dr. Who.

    Or is that Amy Pond?

    A word to the wise. Don't gloat too much about Lib Dem cock ups, I'm going to be posting a blog on Hyndburn (Accrington to people who live in the real world) Conservatives as soon as I can get my brain in gear.
