Monday, April 05, 2010

LibDems Make a Tit of Vince!

Don't you think Vince Cable has developed an admirable pair of breasts?

As one of my Twitter followers just said; "Let's hope Vince doesn't get (nipple) clamped"!


  1. Surprisingly decent article in the Sun today about Vince the Cable's flip-flopping. I really hate how he proclaims that he predicted it all and was always right when in reality it was anything but. If anything Oliver Letwin is the one who deserves the praise!

  2. Not the biggest tit in that picture.

  3. I see he swings to the right slightly.

  4. Thanks, that made me laugh out loud once I saw what you meant.

  5. They are a bit too off-centre to be truly funny, but nice try anyway. I wonder if Nick saw an earlier draft where he was over the wheels and told the graphics people to move the picture to the right a bit?

  6. Oh come on Paddy, it is a joke posting! God even Lib Dems are allowed a joke at their own expense aren't they?

  7. It is a bit of a boob ....


  8. Yes, Saint Vince Cable is the subject of an article in Sun, well written. He escaped all hard questions until Andrew Neil nailed him. Worth producing it in the constituencies where Libdems want to win. Those of us who knew him as a Labour Councillor in Glasgow years ago are not surprised as even then he wanted people to treat him with reverence!

  9. No, that's wheely quite weak, Iain. You must have been tyred when you thought that one up!

    I'll stop with poor tyre jokes, now!

    Actually, the Lib Dems could do no more to make Vince look like a tit than he has already done for himself...

  10. I have to laugh at ow the BBC are attacking the Tories over the so called fiddle with the NI rise cancellation being used to fund Cancer drugs.

    Cable the cretinous bald moron from the Lib Dems has based his whole economic policy on the same thing.

    He continually proposes to cut spending by NOT implementing ID cards or the Trident replacement. Sorry Cable, but that's spending we HAVEN'T yet undertaken, so how can you use it to pay down the debt? The man is a moron.

  11. I think the Lib Dems have cocked up with this picture painting. When we say politicians should grow a pair, we are not talking about these!

  12. i notice it was tastefully cropped on c4 news - only heads in view.

    do you happen to have a picture of the other side of the bus?

    have they flipped the imagine ? I wonder if clegg is a tit too.
