Sunday, April 25, 2010

Labour Now Turns Its Scare Stories onto Parents

Ed Balls has just said on Channel 4 News that the Conservatives have promised to cut 1 teacher and teaching assistant from every primary school in Britain and 5 teachers from every secondary school.


UPDATE: Cathy Newman and Channel4 FactCheck appear to agree.


  1. This has previously been given the thumbs down by the C4 Factcheck team, I seem to remember!

  2. I hope that his Tory opponent in Outwood is letting the constituents know what they have for a liar in Balls

  3. See

  4. Its not so much "There'e lies, damn lies, and statistics" any more as "There's lies, damn lies, and Labour Party Electoral Propaganda."


  5. Is Balls the nastiest politician ever elected to parliament?

  6. Oh wouldnt it be great to see the back of Balls on 7th May.

  7. Has anybody read anything in the Tory manifesto specifically ruling out stealing my bicycle? Do I need a new lock?

  8. Desperate times, desperate measures?

  9. We all Know David Cameron will eat your babies.

  10. To borrow a lyric

    Oh darling why'd you talk so fast
    Another evening just flew past tonight
    And now the daybreak's coming in
    And I can't win and it ain't right

    You tell me all you've done and seen
    And all the places you have been without me
    Well I don't really want to know
    But I'll stay quiet and then I'll go
    And you won't have no cause to think about me

    There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis
    Just like you swore to me that you'd be true
    There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis
    But he's a liar and (I think so are) you

  11. He really is such a nasty lying shit.

    I so hope he loses his seat. And then can't get a job. Is there anyone who'd touch him with a barge-pole?

    Maybe then he can reflect on the greed that saw the Balls Cooper household gorge themselves on the £800 a month we spent on their groceries.

    And I hope he thinks of the pensioners who couldn't afford to put the heating on because they paid 30% tax on their pensions to put free food on his table.

    Nasty, lying, shit.

  12. OH where do i start!!! well as well as the millibands id love to see the family thats full of Balls lose their seats as well as the slimy liam Byrne and bumbbling Bob Ainsworth who on earth would ever recruit any of the above?????

  13. Stepney:

    I think you're being rather easy on him.

    He's much worse than that.

  14. "Cathy Newman and Channel4 FactCheck appear to agree."

    Hardly. Balls' figure simply assumes cuts applied evenly across all areas which the tories have not ringfenced. Lightweight has promised to protect certain areas of spending. Schools aren't one of them. Pro rating the numbers may be an inexact method but as long as the tories refuse to come clean about the details it will have to do.

    Of course if Gideon does have a trick up his sleeve to make the promised cuts without sacking teachers then no-one's stopping him from letting us all in on the secret.

  15. @ Jimmy

    Substantial staff cuts are already taking place in Education. They started last year.

    So it's the old baby-eaters at it again, isn't it? Just remind us, who is in charge, who has racked up all this 'investment' over the past decade? When do we get to see a return on our money?

    Oh, and you might also wish to take a look at the demographics in all of this.

  16. According to the available data on the number of schools in England & Wales the Balls claim would mean that 52,300 teaching staff would have to go - remarkable and scary claim.

    That would fly in the face of the declared Conservative policy of protecting front line jobs.

    At an average salary cost of £30,000 per person that would result in a saving of £1.57 billion. Of a projected total cost reduction target of £6-billion this appears to be estimating an unreasonable proportion to education. Since £6-billion is only 1% of government expenditure then primary and secondary education should see a cut of £360 million. However, since some areas are ring-fenced then others will have to take up more of the strain and the education cut could be about £500-million. Oddly enough that is precisely the figure that Balls claimed he was experiencing in a budget cut in 2010/11.

    Of course, the intention is not to cut teachers or police people or ambulance drivers or firemen or servicemen but to cut quangos and back room staff. The sort of staff who spend their time concocting childish jokes at the Foreign Office or are busy doing absolutely nothing in Regional Development Councils.

    The LibDem manifesto on education would require an additional 150,000 teachers. Quite expensive.

  17. And they'll eat your babies, too!

    Oh, wont someone please think of the children?!

  18. I'm starting my own scare story, about the Labour Defence manifesto - there isn't one, at least not according to the Telegraph.

    (forgive plug to my site > )

  19. Labour have done this stuff for the last few elections now. It always worked before. They must be mystified as to why they are not surging ahead.

  20. Isn't politics all about lying, Iain?

  21. When it comes to distorting the truth Labour makes Joseph Goebbels look like a rank amateur.

  22. "Isn't politics all about lying, Iain?"

