Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Labour Candidate Who Wants to Take On the PM

The Eastern Daily Press is running a daily Q & A session with all the candidates standing in Norfolk seats. Manish Sood is the Labour candidate challenging Tory Henry Bellingham in Norfolk NW – a seat Labour gained in 1997, but then lost to the Conservatives in 2001 and 2005. In Mr Sood's Q & A he completed the sentence “If I ruled the world, I would..." with the words, "continue to challenge the government, the prime minister, the Tories and anyone who comes in my way, I will take them down."

Nice to see he gets his priorities right, and challenges his own party and party leader before he takes on the Conservatives. Mind you, having said that, at the moment you can see his point!


  1. Seen this?

  2. It is all happening in Norfolk!

    Kerry McCarthy who is standing for re-election in Bristol East knew all about John Cowan's seedy profile because I emailed her on the 12th February 2010. For Douglas Alexander to say he took decisive action; is not true! As a government whip; McCarthy should have informed Alexander when she saw him. It has just been discovered on Facebook; Cowan has links to the BNP. What a disgrace!

  3. I think he's missed an open goal. Surely his reply should have been about ensuring the good people of Norfolk NW have the maximum opportunities open to them, that all are represented equally regardless of whether he voted for them, etc,etc,etc.

    What he did say tells us more about him. He sounds like a power crazed and angry man.

  4. I don't have a twitter account, so I've no idea if this below is genuine. If it is - opening postal votes already - then there's something wrong with our voting system.

    Seen in the rolling Twitter feed on Labour List at 3pm.

    "RT @michaelsavage: Is this allowed? RT @Kerry4MP First PVs opened in east Bristol, our sample: Lib Dem 24; Tory 34; Labour 226. #gameON!
    by CharlieWhelan via twitter at 2:39 PM"

  5. Oh, God! This is delicious! Thanks, Iain. Best laugh I have had all day!

    wv is fawlock, which he will hav e to tug to Gordon, I think!

  6. Cowan has links to the BNP

    You... what? Really??? Blimey. It IS all happening there, isn't it?

  7. I bet you I can find 600 Labour candidates who want to take on Gordon. Not many are prepared to admit it, though.

  8. I suspect he didn't understand the question.....;-)

  9. Nice to see he gets his priorities right, and challenges his own party and party leader before he takes on the Conservatives. Mind you, having said that, at the moment you can see his point!

    So a Labour candidate challenging the party and leader is a good thing, but someone in the Tory party with an opinion that may, and I mean may, not be completely on message, deserves to be thrown out of the party and treated as a pariah?

    You were saying about priorities? You were saying about Gillian and Gordon and how Brown is a hypocrite?
