Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gordon is Leaving the Building

Labour wheels out an Elvis impersonator as its "big celebrity" endorsement", who, as Gordon Brown arrives at the event sings "When no one else can understand me, when everything I do is wrong".

Labour demands broadcasters concentrate on policy discussion.

You couldn't make it up.

Their campaign really has become the biggest joke in modern electoral history. They're making Michael Foot's 1983 campaign look professional. Indeed, if Mark Pack is to be believed (and sometimes he is!), Labour is heading for a result worse tham Foot achieved.


  1. You could almost play this instead of HIGNFY and get the same amount of laughs, when the public are don't that, you're toast...

  2. Very bad w/e for Alastair Campbell. He organised both Fake Elvis and Letter to BBC, ITV, C4 (what about C5 and SKY?).

    Must have lost his touch......

  3. Alistair Campbell and Lord Mandelson still HATE Gordon Brown - and they are doing their best to f**k it up for him so they can write the books they REALLY want to saying what a pain in the arse he was ever since 1997.....

    You would think GB's wife (a supposed PR expert) would have told him to steer clear of the Elvis idea

  4. Thought he said that if its about style count him out... 11 days and counting!

  5. Or how about Lord Mandelson singing to Gordon, that great old Patsy Cline hit . . .

    "Who's sorry now"?

  6. elvis impersonator surely isnt about style

  7. And now Burnley have been relegated. Is ANYTHING going right for Campbell at the moment?

  8. @Mazza1230

    You obviously didn't listen to Ali's wife's school's "Any Questions".

    Reported here on B-BBC


  9. Agreed.

    I think we should ban the "couldn't make it up" phrase form any sort of journalism though.

    Littlejohn is a closet BNP supporting racist nutter.

  10. Awful, truly awful. Is that the equivalent of Neil Kinnock’s 1992 Sheffield moment?

  11. Chris, if You bothered to read anything He'd written You would know that manifestly isn't true, he has never been a racist and he has nothing but contempt for the BNP whom he regards as extreme left wingers. I'll be sure and let him know what you wrote though, although he's just too nice to do anything about it.

  12. I'd be much happier if Gordon could be persuaded to leave the planet.
