Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Flanders Leaves Vince Floundering

At last Saint Vince gets his comeuppance courtesy of Andrew Neil and Stephanie Flanders. What I especially liked was the way Darling and Osborne just stood by and relished the fact the he kept digging his hole just that little bit deeper.

Now, I wonder if the same thing can happen to that nice Mr Clegg tomorrow.

Bizarrely I am actually "playing" Nick Clegg on 5 Live tomorrow afternoon at 3pm. Lance Price is David Cameron and Lembit Opik will be playing Gordon Brown in a mock debate.

After that, I am driving down to Bristol to do pre and post debate commentary for 5 Live on Tony Livesey's show.

And if that isn't enough Dale on the radio for you, tune into LBC 97.3 tonight for an hour of me, Hopi Sen and Mark Reckons with Petrie Hosken from 8pm.


  1. Are the wheels starting to fall off already? How surprising. But with millions of British women enjoying multiple daily Cleggasms, their brains will find it hard to notice any of the things he's actually saying - like VAT on houses.

    Maybe some of the men are also brain-frozen? Now then Mr Clegg, please explain your EU Treaty referendum policy again. I couldn't quite understand it.

  2. Are the wheels starting to fall off already? How surprising. But with millions of British women enjoying multiple daily Cleggasms, their brains will find it hard to notice any of the things he's actually saying - like VAT on houses.

    Maybe some of the men are also brain-frozen? Now then Mr Clegg, please explain your EU Treaty referendum policy again. I couldn't quite understand it.

  3. It really is a shame that Andrew Neil taking Cable's halo and throwing it away like a tatty old frisbee will not be seen by the same number of viewers that fell for Nick Clegg's flim flam last week. As has been said many times the more the Lib Dems are scrutinised the quicker their policies and spending plans will fall apart.
    Sadly when they do get exposed the main stream media doesn't appear to report it with the same relish as they ought.

  4. A cable car crash. He is exposed as a fraud, a ‘what will make me look good today, even if I thought differently yesterday’, and about time too. He gained a reputation during the banking crisis with comments completely at odds with the facts. As an example, when the bank shares were tanking (rightly so, they were bust; RBS/HBOS anyone?) he was all over the media spouting complete nonsense about what to do, and was embarrassingly inconsistent. Shorting - he clearly didn’t know what he was talking about, had no clue about the mechanics. Argue against it if you will, but at least know about the processes involved. Why he wasn’t held to account at the time is a mystery. Probably because them journos didn’t know what they were talking about either.

  5. Clearly Vincent's self-styled role as the 'all seeing eye' is hugely enhanced by his ability to hold two diametrically opposing views at the same time.

  6. Thankyou Mr. Dale and yea thrice thanks ..... some of that I was aware of but not all.

    How does he get away with it ?

    Ok I am going say it ....wait for it ...look just humour me ok.Wtf would the media be saying if George Osborne had made such an arse of himself ?

    Anyway much appreciated

  7. Vince Cable is so overated it makes me laugh!

    He reminds me of a commercial where the woman does not relise people are in the back and she farts!

    Vince Cable is similar, he says one thing on camara and another to others - I am just waiting for his fart moment in a car and he realises the world are watching!

    They will realise it all stinks!

  8. @Just Wonderful: "..tatty old frisbee will not be seen by the same number of viewers that fell for Nick Clegg's flim flam last week". I was watching with my son an episode of "X Files" from a DVD. There a serial killer with a brain tumour who has the ability of making the watcher to do as he says, even seeing snakes and finally killing him/herself. There is no rational explation to this, except to say that the watcher was always very weak-minded! Similarly in the last debate, despite the meanigless mumbling of Clegg, some viewers were gripped with a frenzy which was later translated to mass hysteria, which made the eyes of many to roll with amazementlistening to the words of wisdom tumbled out of Cleggy's mouth in the debate!!! These are in a trance now.

  9. "Bizarrely I am actually "playing" Nick Clegg on 5 Live tomorrow afternoon at 3pm. Lance Price is David Cameron and Lembit Opik will be playing Gordon Brown in a mock debate."

    And they say the BBC is not dumbing down...

    I'm getting really pissed off with the coverage of this election so far.

    I'm a 24 hour news junky normally and I am amazed that, quite often, Sky News stays on a live story/event whereas the BBC cut away and then spend ages talking to correspondents who obviously were not at the event as they are standing outside the building where the event is taking place.

    Where are the policy discussions in prime time?

    BBC2 / The Daily Politics / are trying to do a good job with their NINE debates in the afternoon on BBC2 covering different aspects of party policy.

    Yet, in the BBC promo for their election coverage they do not mention Andrew Neil who does the majority of The Daily Politics shows as well as This Week. They even show a clip of Dermot o'Leary. What are they trying to communicate by this? Dermot o'Leary is mainly associated with C4's Big Brother. This says it all really.

    I used to be a passionate supporter of the BBC. With garbage like this I now believe that the license fee should be distributed amongst all broadcasters.

    Can the BBC honestly claim that Panorama is better than Dispatches on C4? (Presented by the pathetic 'cowboy shooting' Jeremy Vine).

    They cannot possibly claim that.

    Can the BBC honestly claim that their news is better than Channel 4 news?

    They cannot possibly claim that.

    As I say. I used to be a passionate believer in the BBC license fee.

    Their dumbing down agenda makes me feel that the license fee (which I totally believe in) should be spread amongst all broadcasters.

    The BBC need a stick of dynamite up their arse.

  10. Ah yes, Vince the toothless economic savage.

    It does amaze me that people actually take seriously the verbal meanderings of a man who is clearly a legend solely in his mind and that of LibDims.

    It is greatly in the interests of our nation that this LibDim nonsense, of kaleidoscopic contradictions, is exposed to the clear light of day.

  11. BBC 10.00 news. Did they show any of that cable car crash? No. Go figure..

  12. "Wtf would the media be saying if George Osborne had made such an arse of himself ? "


  13. Kenneth Clarke has issued a dramatic warning that Britain could well have to be bailed out by the International Monetary Fund if the General Election results in a hung parliament. The Tories immediately came under attack from Labour and the LibDems, branding them as scaremongers.
    Ken Clarke is absolutely right! Britain is already on ’negative watch’ with the three main credit agencies, one notch away from loosing our AAA credit rating. An adverse reaction in the international markets could very well precipitate the kind of scenario Ken describes if the electorate fail to deliver a strong Government with a working majority. This is not a Party Political issue but a matter of fact, and I predict the City of London will come out in the next few days and support the Tories position over this, just as the captains of industry did over the National Insurance ‘Jobs tax’ issue.

  14. Darling looked smug like he was enjoying it, but Osbourne looked like he was thinking: "Vince had it coming, but... ouch! Poor old chap!"

  15. Radio 5 live news at 03.00 mentioned the chancellors debate and the only issue they mentioned was the tories assretion that a hung parliament would bring an intervention from the IMF.The rebuttals of Darling and St. Vince were featured. The monstering of St.Vince by Brillo not a word!!! The Biased Broadcasting Company strikes again
