Monday, April 26, 2010

Does Balls Fear Castration?

I see CCHQ have announced that they are following the Twitter feeds of Cabinet Ministers. I should hope so too. Presumably they will have noticed the following from Ed Balls' Twitter feed. In the nine days from the election called to the first debate he spent only two days in his Morley & Outwood constituency. In the ten days since, he has been there on seven days.

Could this have anything to do with the fact that he's now very worried about losing his seat? His Tory opponent, Anthony Calvert, has successfully raised a five figure sum through his video and is giving Balls the fight of his life.

I look forward to publishing a book called "Were You Up When Balls Was Castrated?"


  1. Interestingly, George Osborne didnt have much of a clear answer when he was asked how long he'd been in his constituency.

    He waffled on about a hustings he was going to on the weekend.

    I think that this adds fuel to Lib Dem arguments about 'safe seats'.

  2. So when we separate Balls from his balls, which end do we keep ? Or communicate with ?

    Alan Douglas

  3. Perhaps you might reconsider some of the wording in that post, Iain, on grounds of taste.

  4. Castrating Balls sounds to be in very good taste to me..

  5. I think the time to be getting excited about unseating Labour ministers is when the exit polls start to come in on election night.

    At this stage it all feels a bit faux-trimumphalist, and there's a significant risk of looking a bit daft in retrospect if the strategy doesn't work.

  6. Iain, I know this is off thread but I thought you would like to know that Labour are still peddling the lies that the Tories will axe the Pension Credit, cut the Winter Fuel Allowance, Child Tax Credit, etc - all highlighted by David Cameron in last week's leaders debate with Brown answering he hadn't authorised them. The election literature was from Natascha Engel, North-East Derbyshire M.P. which was delivered today (26/04).

    I sincerely hope the local Conservative candidate Huw Merriman can wipe the gormless smile from that self publicising expenses abuser Engel come polling day!

  7. I like this blog! So many sensible comments. This is with reference to Simon Gardner and Mark Pasola. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

  8. That will be the Portillo moment, though Old Holborn winning Cambridge will be immense.
