Saturday, April 03, 2010

Discussing THAT Poster on Sky News


  1. The 80s?

    And pray tell, why were they so bad?

    Oh yes, Mrs Thatcher had to rescue the country from yet another Labour destruction of the country.

    Labour were handed a golden economy in 97, and now we're back to were we were, so if anyone's taking us back, its Labour.

    That's the thing about Labour, they mix lies with incompetence in equal measure.

  2. Oh the irony of this post being tied with an advert for Philip Blond's book. Given that Philip Blond appears to one of the few Tories who understands that the Tory political thinking has to advance beyond that of the Thatcher years - unlike the owner of this blog and many other Tory boy bloggers. That said many of Blond's ideas are pretty half baked.

    All the posters who seem to want to hark back to the Thatcher days do rather support the basic point.

  3. "tory boys" seems to have missed that it is the Labour poster that is alluding to the 'eighties, not us here.

    Also, it is the public-at-large (at least those who were old enough at the time to realise what was going on and why) who are obviously getting the "wrong" from Labour's viewpoint) message from it.

    The real point of the discussion that has ensued is not that we are to re-live the 'eighties, but the parallels allow us to draw some useful lessons from that period.

    It's more to do with principles than the fine detail; but Labourites' usual one-dimensional thinking cannot grasp what to the rest of us is fairly obvious.

  4. tory boys never grow up have you got anything constructive to add to the debate or do you just get turned on by constantly making digs at Iain and the conservative party.

  5. Mercifully, there does not appear to be any sound on the clip!!

  6. if this is there best effort; i cant wait to see the others supporter designed posters.

  7. To be fair James I get turned on by digs at Brown and Labour...

    Indeed the slightly nauseating sight (not sure why but I certainly had to resist the urge to vomit) of both Milliband brothers defending the idiocy merely confirmed in me all the reasons why I will be voting Tory.

    I see the Tories have been quick to mimic the putrid effort. Personally I think it would look more appropriate to stick Brown in a sheepskin jacket sat on the front of a Reliant Robin.
    "... with financial advisors like that, who needs a bleedin' recession? "

  8. Back to the 80's the begining of many of these greedy policies that led us where we are now !
    Cameron has referred to the 80's well 79 when referring to the BA dispute ! UK needs to go elsewhere, than backwards and with those that have serious solutions to the problem- with an inaffective opposition these past 13 years , we have no hope with the Conservatives -- kust more deception! & dubious offshore funding !

  9. tory boys never grow up barked...

    "All the posters who seem to want to hark back to the Thatcher days do rather support the basic point."

    I thought it was Liam Byrne harking back to the Thatcher era.

  10. @ory boys never grow up: You have not grown up are you, from reading your comments!

  11. "with an inaffective opposition these past 13 years , we have no hope with the Conservatives -- kust more deception! & dubious offshore funding !" Oh dear! Gordon's 13 years of rule reduced some one to write English like this!

  12. John M Ward

    "tory boys" seems to have missed that it is the Labour poster that is alluding to the 'eighties, not us here.

    John - it appears that Iain wanted to support my argument with a subsequent posting. The posters I referred to were people not objects.

    Neil James et al - prove me wrong by telling us all how Tory policy has developed since the 1980s - now that may be interesting and useful than all this garbage about posters. Is the modern Conservative Party actually offering us something different when it talks about compassionate conservatism or is it a PR sham just to cover a re-run of Thatcherism, which given that markets and the economy is now fundamentally different would in my view be a total shambles.

    I would be more than happy to see the blogosphere used for a serious poilitical discourse and interchange between different political viewpoints. I think you will find that it is many bloggers who want to be a branch of the light entertainment industry.

    You also forget my point about Philip Blond which is vaguely complimentary to a Tory
