Monday, April 19, 2010

David Cameron Looks You In The Eye

This is tonight's PPB from the Conservatives. David Cameron telling it as it is.


  1. Vote for me as your new representative on the council of ministers.

    No thanks

  2. Very good broadcast. Shame not many people will see it but it deserves to puncture the Lib Dem bubble.

  3. I sure hope that DC makes the country change its mind in time before it goes headlong into falling into the Panglossian utopian dreams as expressed by Clegg. The thought of 5 more years of Brown is unbearable.

    My daughter is at university and without fail everyone she knows have now said that, at last, they have in Clegg someone they 'know' they can vote for. :-(

  4. @Robert: UKIP or Libdem? Both are opportunists.

  5. A video. A good message.

    I'll be voting tory.

  6. It's good, but until we get 10m tuning into PPBs, it's not going to do much to counter Clegg's meretricious (ass-)holier than thou act in the TV debates.

  7. Errrrmmm...Where is the change in saying it is going to get better just around the corner?

  8. Not very convincing, Im afraid.

    Easy to appear assured from the comfort of his garden to the accompaniement of carefully chosen video clips, but he needs to do that 'live' and in the spotlight on Thursday to have any real impact.

  9. "The politicians have been treating the public like mugs for 40 years" - does that include Mrs Thatcher and her ilk???

    Of course Selsdon Man was born in 1970.

  10. Dire!!!

    Much more sense in this clip

    and a post about the broadcast here

  11. I cannot wait for the parodies like the Downfall to begin...

  12. A Vote for the Lib Dems will mean Gordon Brown in No.10 for at least another 5 years if not longer as Labour and the Lib Dems will change the voting system so you can never kick them out.

    A hung parliament will cost you money, it will mean sterling falls on the currency markets. The fall in sterling will mean higher fuel prices and higher food prices.

  13. Is there time for one last heave?

  14. I don't think the Lib Dem 'surge' will last - and if it does, I think it will hurt Labour more than the Tories.

    That's my hope, anyway. Bring on 6th May, "the only poll that counts"!

  15. When is Cameron going to stop listening to that Lefty fool, Steve Hilton, I wonder? He'd better make it quick with only two and a half weeks left to secure a Tory victory.

  16. I'm generally curious to know whether the conservatives here think their party has ever put forward a less substantial figure for No 10 than Cameron.

    Obviously I'm not one to wish your party well, but if I were I genuinely think he would make me nostalgic for Major.

  17. Cameron just doesn't get it. He doesn't mention the size of the debt. The debt is X hundred billion and is growing by Y hundred billion a year. Force Brown to state the size of the debt. Labour and the Lib Dems just want to bankrupt the country. The UK is a busted flush. He needs to take responsibility if he wants power.

  18. A pretty slick PPB, but probably won't change the minds of many floating voters.

    The big problem at the heart of the Conservative message is that the slogan of 'Vote for Change' doesn't really describe the reality of a 2 party system where it's the Tories turn to govern because we are fed up with other lot.

    The 'Vote for Change' slogan is easy to translate into a call for a more radical approach and strengthens the LibDems appeal. So the Tory slogan should be revised to be "Vote for (not too much) Change".

  19. @Jimmy. Your buddy brown again for 5 more years. Libdems work well with Labour and Clegg and Cable get ministries. That is the agenda. As for labour Party they changed the charactet of the country by flooding immigrants and they will destroy democracy once and for all.

  20. The change "this country" needs is recognition and representation for England and the English people.

    The Tories are just like Labour and the LibDems - they completely ignore the existence of England. We're sick of being treated as fourth class citizens in our own country. We get the worst per person funding, and as a result we get the worst services in the UK.

    If the Tories fail to represent their predominantly English constituents they don't deserve to win. English parliament now!
