Thursday, April 22, 2010

Being Nick Clegg (at 3pm)

Do have a listen to the Richard Bacon Show on 5 Live from 3pm to 3.30pm when I will be taking part in a mock leaders debate with a difference. I will be taking on the role of Nick Clegg, Lance Prince is playing David Cameron and Lembit Opik is Gordon Brown. We'll be fielding real questions from listeners, with Richard playing the ringmaster. I'm not sure how much of a p***take this is supposed to be or whether we are supposed to be totally serious in our roles. We'll soon find out!

Quite why Lembit has agreed to tak part in this is anyone's guess. I'd have thought that seeing as he's fighting a marginal seat, he ought to be devoting himself to his constituency. But then again, he hasn't been doing that for years now, has he?


  1. Perhaps you should ask what role the delightful Mr Coulson has played in briefing the press against you in the last 48 hours? And was he following his own initiative or only obeying orders?
    Or was it just that his staff were out of control, yet again?

  2. Do you get to boast about how many women you've slept with?

    Funny how women see notches in mens bedpost as a peer approval rating ... and a taming opportunity.

  3. Perhaps you could ask why the LibDems, and their new friend Mandelson, are smearing the Tories with unfounded allegations. Could it be that they are unable to produce any evidence to exonerate Clegg from the claims made against him and are trying to distract attention from them?

  4. Re Opik I think you are being a bit optimistic in describing Montgomeryside as a marginal. He got just over 50pc of the vote in 2005, almost double the Tory vote share for a majority of 7,000. Not my definition of a marginal!

  5. Opik's Montgomeryside marginal, really? He got just over 50 pc of the vote in 2005, almost double the Tory vote for a majority of 7,000. Hardly marginal.

  6. Briefing against Iain. Tory campaign in panic mode. He'll be out on his arse on May 7th along with DC and GO

  7. Everything I read from Montgomery says that Lembit is an excellent MP, recognised by all and liked by most and is a shoo-in to get back. What do you know different?

  8. Anything hosted by Richard Bacon will be designed to show the Conservatives in a bad light and to mock Tory values. I wouldn't give Richard Bacon the oxygen of publicity.

  9. Not a sheep
    Hear! Hear! Richard Bacon has an IQ in single figures. He's the most half-witted, ill-informed broadcaster in the country bar none. His agent must have paid Adrian Van Klaveran bucketloads of cash to get him to agree to employ such an utter moron.

  10. The single strangest half hour of radio... Why not have yourself, Lance Price and Lembit Opik represent your own views? I must be getting old.

  11. Sounded a bit odd when you were all very seriously following the brief - it does show that in the UK there is far too much tribalism.

    The most interesting part was when you all spoke about tonight's debate.

    I think Brown will continue to look and behave like a loser tonight,Clegg will try more of the same and Cameron will be better because he simply has to be,otherwise.....

  12. How much of a piss take is it supposed to be? Well Lembit Opik is taking part, 'nuff said?

    Carpe Testiculi

  13. @ javelin

    Assuming Iain is of the method acting school and really gets into his role the real question is will Lembit respond by boasting about how many cheeky girls he's slept with?

    Sadly I did not know about this until after 4 pm. It might have been enough to make me listen to Richard Bacon.
