Thursday, April 08, 2010

Being David Cameron

I get asked to do some strange things at election time. Back in 2001 I had to "play" the then ITN political editor John Sergeant at their election night programme rehearsals, because he refused to take part. It was great fun sitting alongside Jonathan Dimbleby pontificating about various seats. On the night itself, I was quite jealous when I saw him sitting in "my" chair!

Today I had a similar experience. Radio 4's World at One asked me to play David Cameron in a rehearsal for their Election Call programmes which start next week with the party leaders. I wasn't supposed to say anything about it, but seeing as Martha Kearney has let the cat out of the bag by tweeting it, why not?! It was done "as live", straight after the World at One today, and I had to answer questions on a huge variety of issues. I actually felt quite comfortable doing it - even when I had to pretend to hold views I don't.

It was actually quite spooky having Martha call me David, and grilling me as if I were him. But the rehearsal was not done because of content, it was really to allow them to test the technology and it all seemed to work very well. I don't think Radio 4 are used to doing anything so common as a phone in! Watch out Stephen Nolan, they'll be stealing your listeners!

The Radio 4 Election Calls start on Tuesday with the leaders of the SNP and Plaid Cymru.


  1. I don't think Radio 4 are used to doing anything so common as a phone in!

    Apart from Any Answers, you mean.

  2. "even when I had to pretend to hold views I don't."

    Sounds like a spot on impression.

  3. So, I'm looking forward to your West End stage début Iain, what with this new acting lark and all.

    >> it was really to allow them to test the technology and it all seemed to work very well.

    I should bloody well hope so considering the amount of money we throw their way.

  4. @Jimmy. You mean Darling?

  5. I hope you predicted they'd all go Conservative, for a joke. Even more, I hope the footage gets released to YouTube. :)

  6. Iain, YOU have let the cat out of the bag, not Martha. She just left an intriguing tweet...but YOU have added all the meat to the bone.

  7. Just a small thing. That points to bigger things, in my opinion. A surname in one of MK's tweets is not given the dignity of a cap here.

    Good panel for PMQs today - D Miliban, hague and Cable. Plus Matt Bagott on N Ireland policing

    Ah yes, the Shadow Foreign Secretary. A certain Mr hague. The BBC's casual bias wouldn't be so irritating if they weren't funded by a poll tax.

  8. I don't think Radio 4 are used to doing anything so common as a phone in!

    Apart from Any Answers, you mean.

    "Woman's Hour" do 'em, "You & Yours" likewise. There used to be "Tuesday Call" which morphed into "Call Nick Ross" and so on and so on.

    Phone-ins have the merit from the BBC's point of view of being cheap as well as ticking policy boxes for 'inclusiveness'.

    There was also a spoof phone-in called "Down the Line" which was the only one worth listening to.

  9. Did MK interupt you much? Did she let you finish a sentence? Just how realistic was the rehearsal?
