Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Arrival of the Supreme Leader

This surely has to be the picture of the campaign so far. it shows Gordon Brown arriving at Yeadon Health Centre near Leeds eaerlier today.

What I want to know is this. Is any action being taken against these young men for surreptitiously trying to put their hands up the skirts of Sarah Brown and the other lady? If not, why not?


  1. I thought Daleks could not go up stairs unaided...

  2. isn't that james purnell on the right?

  3. That is the best piccie EVER!

    Nice to see the people's champion rubbing shoulders with the workers.

  4. That's where the extra investment in NHS has gone to Iain.

    New Labour Automatic Doors. Keeps the Unemployment figures down don't you know.

  5. Tom Lehrer was, as usual, decades ahead of the game:

    First you get down on your knees.
    Fiddle with your rosaries.
    Bow your head with great respect
    And genuflect, genuflect, genuflect.

  6. It looks like that sketch in Armstrong & Miller with the boss surrounded by lackeys at all angles shouting out random facts:

    "Prescott hasn't punched anyone yet"; "Wrekin's gone Monster Raving Loony"; "So's Luton South"

  7. Do they get danger money?

    Has anyone done a H&S risk assessment?

  8. Nice that the Supreme Leader is so in touch with the people. He probably thinks all doors open automatically when he walks up to them and that there are two young men on their knees ready to do his bidding at all times.

  9. He's lost in the UK, Gordo really would go down a storm in Pyongyang.

    Kim il-Jong at least knows how to treat a failing Finance Minister and the double speak would smooth and massage his ego no end.

    Unfortunatley I suspect the fag-hag wouldn't want to go, so coercion may be needed.

  10. Fellow on the right, to the one on the left: "This wasn't what I had in mind when I applied to become a doorman..."

  11. I wonder if there are any actual state tractor factories he can visit.

  12. They might have stood more chance of keeping him out if they had worked out which way the doors opened...

  13. Well done - that pic summarises Brown's style of government perfectly!

  14. Actually, propping fire doors open is an offence under H&S, paragraph 458375622, sub section 5z48294 (eu)

  15. I read the other day that "Strict guidelines prevent political parties from using NHS sites for electioneering"

    If this is true, why is Labour continuing to electioneer from NHS sites?

  16. Puts me in mind of David Walliams' character in Little Britain...

    "Why don't you do something for *me*, Prime Minister...."

  17. Mrs B doesn't look very happy, does she?

    No wonder if you look at this:

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Sarah is looking like a big old unit, a typical Russian soviet bride. Especially the way she was looking at Brown as he tried to extricate himself from the mea culpa of admitting he was the most useless chancellor on record, she is certainly minding him.

  20. It sucks to be Gordon. Even on those rare occasions when he's not being a total tw@t, his incompetent entourage conspire to make him look like one.

  21. Bill Quango

    I think our tractors like nearly everything else manufactured are imported.

    The hospital I think was not fully commisioned and handed over to the NHS so was available for electioneering. Though I can imagine what a fuss labour's spin machine and the BBC would have made if Cameron had used a new hospital.

    The picture needs to be shown on the MSM.

  22. Love the little 'X' in the top right-hand corner.

    If only you could just click something like that and make Gordon Brown disappear for good.

  23. "Please Prime Minister ......dont hit me again......."

  24. The Sun has published the picture this morning

    All kneel for Gord

    Grovelling ... Labour PR men hold the door as the PM and wife Sarah arrive

  25. "Welcome to our new ECT Suite, Prime Minister. This will be your room after 7 May and these are the nice young men who will strap you down for the treatment. Soon, you wont remember anything about it all"

  26. ...or they could be ducking to avoid being caught on camera

  27. I am an honest admirer of Sir Imran Hosein. I believe no one else can explain Dajjal & Modern Civilization better, than he does. May Allah help him to enlighten more & more people
