Tuesday, April 06, 2010

5 Tweetable Reasons to Vote Conservative

Simple, effective and short. This is a 50 second campaign video from the Halifax Tory candidate Philip Allott.


  1. Increase NHS funding? Again?? WTF! How much money do you think we really need to put into this overweight monstrosity? I would rather vote for someone who would tell me that he will improve the efficiency of it. Just because it sounds good, don't make it right.

  2. Have you seen the stuff on the internet Lins Riordan MP and HBOS, apparently her expenses show that after she was elected for the fist time in the marginal seat of halifax, she bought a flat in London but did not go with the firm that is the main employer in Halifax which is HBOS.

    Instead she went with Cheltenham and Glouster. She was hardly supporting the local firm or for that matter the voters who put her in the house of commons.


    Greece, a eurozone country, has given up on the Euro. As of now, Greece is planning its future as a US Dollar-linked economy, and is abandoning attempts to borrow money in Euros, which the markets don't want to hold or lend long-term. At this critical moment for the future of the Euro, this could hardly be more significant and humiliating.

    The Euro's over, and at least as far as Greece is concerned, is no longer a credible currency. The US Dollar's stepping in to fill the gap, and Greece is being reclassified from a Eurozone country to an 'Emerging Market' to attract dollar investors.

  4. They are off! For the Don't Knows, and there are a few,( even though anyone sane votes "Anyone But Gordon) here is the Boris Johnson Guide to the election.

    Read Boris's view on Gay Rights, Harriet Harman, Damian McBride, Nick Clegg, David Cameron and much much more.


  5. Please can somebody clarify the point of a border police force! The Conservatives talk about saving money and reducing tax. We already have the Border Agency that could be deemed (or retrained to be) a police force. We already have FRONTEX too, which is costing the UK millions each year.
    Why would we want another institution to suck up money and probably fail the aims of reducing "illegal" migration... or whatever it is they think it will do?!

  6. Oh the irony. On the same day as Grant Shapps writes an ill considered article on The Register and gets a new a***hole torn by IT savvy commentators. Such fun!

  7. Mitch, In that case this election just became a battle between left and right.

    If the Euro falls apart then the EU will have huge shockwaves!

  8. Nice one! Should have a MUCH wider audience.

  9. Sharp video, nicely done. Not sure I would have had two-tone lettering as RED TAPE, MORE TIME is meaningless yet stands out of the text, but that's just being picky about minor elements in the design

  10. Nothing about how they are going to (try to) fix the economy.

    Lots of funding commitments but nothing about where the money is coming from.
