Friday, October 02, 2009 Launches

Take a look at, which I wrote about yesterday. It was launched this morning and is getting some good reviews. It's way ahead of anything the other parties are doing and for the first time brings together the ability to fundraise and campaign online. From what I have seen of it it is a sort of Facebook for politics.

Congrats to the CCHQ team who have been working on it for some months. I hope to make full use of it as a candidate in the near future :)

Oh, and I love their Error 404 page... chum.


  1. It goes to a parkingt page, Iain.

  2. It appears to have crashed already...

    Firefox can't find the server at

  3. Can you put a www in the link to make it work?

  4. erm, link is broken - needs a www as well :-)

  5. What tired marketing guy came up with that name? Are we going to get a clunky 2012 type logo next? I suppose we're lucky they didn't call it Conservative Solutions.

  6. So, Iain, what your arguing is that Conservative social media - at time of writing a 'ERROR - The requested URL could not be retrieved' page is well ahead of the other parties?

    Wow! I'm jealous

  7. Seems to have vanished.

  8. Please correct your link - it omits the www bit, so does not connect!

  9. It sounds a good idea - but following your link the site says it only goes live later today.

    (Eric Pickles seems to have trade marked his name - which opens up a raft of possibilities)

    The note at the bottom says next update 30 October.

    Still early days.

  10. Love to see that Eric Pickles is going to be playing the part of Gordon Gekko's sidekick in the Wall Street sequel..

    "Turn and Burn.."

  11. Can't see their 404 page as the site has already gone down.

  12. So when is this site going to be launched?

  13. Hi. All I got from the link is a You Tube of a fat northern man in braces with an overtly gay (i.e. pink) shirt......

  14. I am really not convinced that shoving a full-motion fat fatuous slob like Eric Pickles in our faces is the best way to tempt anyone in for a look.

  15. I hope they actually stick with it this time... I can think of at least three different online initiatives by the Tories which they launched with a great fanfare and then seemingly did nothing to sustain it. How much donated money did they waste promoting Friends of the Conservatives?

  16. Pickles tweet #3: "Enjoying a complimentary banana on Virgin trains thinking about D Miliband - don't know why"

    Perhaps you're not the only 'overtly gay' man in the party...


  17. What a fantastic metaphor for Cameron's conservatives. Bloody thing doesn't work.

  18. O/T - Iain, when are you going to tell us the names of your "special guests" at your party at the City Hotel next week?

  19. It's fine, looks nice. Thing is, Labour have been doing this (better) for about three years now.

    Membersnet has been relaunched recently too and looks a lot more 'web 2.0' than the MYC offering!

  20. 'Chum'?

    Bit too close to 'Chump' for me....

    Still, Pickles is much more entertaining than Mandelson.

  21. looks like it has a lot of potential.

    Not sure about having to ask permission to join a campaign though. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of it.


    CEP Press Release: Conservative Party Conference agenda

    England ignored and taken for granted. As always. It is 60% of the Union landmass, 85% of the Union population, it produces 90% of its wealth, its subsidies the three other countries and keeps them solvent. But anyone looking at the agenda for discussion on the Union at the 2009 Conservative Party conference in Manchester this coming week would think the Union consists solely of Scotland, Wales amd Northern Ireland. England isn't even mentioned, let alone discussed.

    This is the list of speakers for the discussion on The Union at the conference:

    Cheryl Gillan - Shadow Secretary of State for Wales

    David Mundell - Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland

    Owen Paterson - Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

    Nick Bourne - Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly

    Sir Reg Empey - Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party

    Not one single speaker for England. Its affairs not mentioned, its identity not recognised, its existence totally ignored.

    That, states Veronica Newman addressing a meeting of Hampshire CEP members, well sums up the attitude of the UK Establishment towards England. It just refuses to give to England its rightful recognition. We are a distinct nation within the United Kingdom. We have a very ancient identity, we are the first unified nation in Europe, we have a distinct national culture which doesn't only go back centuries and includes some of the great cultural names in world history, and the greatest writer in the person of Shakespeare, but which is also vibrant and exciting to this very day. It is time to ask why the party which might well be the UK government within 9 months treats England with such injustice and bias. Love and respect for England could be a huge force for a revitalised Union. It is time the Conservtive Party started to ask itself why it can be so generous towards Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, yet so negative towards England.

    This press release was brought to you by the good people from the Campaign for an English Parliament.

  23. "This press release was brought to you by the good people from the Campaign for an English Parliament."

    What must the bad ones be like?

  24. Where's all the, er, stuff? I entered my parents' postcode, they live in Chris Grayling's constituency and he "doesn't have any local campaign teams yet"? Shouldn't this kind of thing be at least slightly sorted before the site goes live? Come on, chaps, where's all that money going?

  25. I voted in their pre launch poll re imposing museum charges and increasing VAT to 20%.

    I have promised my mice they can sign up to the latest frolics!

  26. I'm just learning Drupal!!!

    This site uses Drupal which I think seems to be the best content management system (CMS) on the go at the moment for SMEs.

    If this site takes off, I'll certainly be interested to see how it's performance holds out.

  27. As is using the Drupal CMS (Content Management System), I've created a thread on the official Drupal forum to see how well Drupal copes with large volumes if this site becomes popular:

    The Drupal aficionados always say it's great. Well, if this site becomes very popular, we will find out...

  28. Wouldn't a nice attractive Hampshire seat like Gosport be tempting?

  29. Jimmy:
    "This press release was brought to you by the good people from the Campaign for an English Parliament."

    What must the bad ones be like?

    Easy. Like Brown, Meddlesome, banana-carrying Millipede, the Windbag Kinnock, Balls up and this lot/

  30. Are you sure that Pickles is an asset? Those braces making me think banker.

  31. its michael again,i cant get it to work,crashed again ? what a pickles you are in ,michael.

  32. o my god, click on error 404 and you get another full frontal of eric pickles,more votes lost,michael.

  33. On further inspection.. the site seems to have missed the ball and is a bit disappointing. Hope I'm proved wrong.
