Saturday, October 03, 2009

My Conference Itinerary

With Special Guest: Steve Nallon,
the voice of Margaret Thatcher (and many others) in Spitting Image

Several of you have asked which fringe events at the conference I will be speaking at or chairing. here goes...

Midnight: Appear on the Stephen Nolan Show on Radio 5 Live from Manchester

7.30pm Guest Speaker at the Agents' Dinner, Britannia Hotel (ticket only)


8am Speak on panel at Google Breakfast on online campaigning, Midland Hotel
3pm Speak on blogging with Tim Montgomerie at Party donors event (invite only)
7.30pm Speak on panel Channel 4 News Twitter event, Midland Hotel, Lancaster Suite
10pm Do a stand up comedy turn (don't ask) Speak at Music in Prisons cabaret, Ruby Lounge, off Piccadilly Gardens


12.30pm Chair Conservative Women's Organisation/Fawcett Society fringe event: WHAT WOMEN WANT FROM POLITICS IS ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES, Conference Centre, Charter Room 4 with Theresa May, Angela Knight & Angela Mason

3pm Speak at Conservatives for Air Travel fringe: "Conservative Airport Policy: A Victory for NIMBYism?". Bar 38, Peter Street.

9.30pm-1.30am Co-Host Pride Party, Spirit Bar, Canal Street. Tickets £15 from conference information stand.


6-7.30pmpm Chair Total Politics fringe event: TRUST IN POLITICS: HOW E LOST IT & HOW TO GET IT BACK. Speakers: Dominic Grieve, Peter Oborne, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Anthony Seldon, Chris Bones. City Inn Hotel, 1-3 Piccadilly.

8pm Host IAIN DALE'S DIARY BLOG READERS PARTY, City Inn Hotel, 1-3 Piccadilly, with special guest Steve Nallon, the voice of Margaret Thatcher in Spitting Image. Prepare to be entertained!


8am Chair Chamber of Shipping breakfast: Capping our Carbon: Can the shipping industry reduce its emissions?", with Julian Brazier MP and others. Midland Hotel, French Room


And if you see me, Blackberry in hand, wandering around the conference centre, do come and say hello. I won't bite!


  1. Why was the conference not held in Manchester when I lived there? I might have actually been able to go!

  2. For reference:

    Midland Hotel and Conf Centre gigs are inside the cordon. No proximity without pass. Others are outside. Great shame #twinge moved inside the security. Town Hall would have been better.

  3. "Why was the conference not held in Manchester when I lived there? "

    I think they've only just found out where it is.

  4. Do you seriously expect there to be CPC guests who don't read your blog??

  5. Wildly OT/T, but looking at recent headlines, think of the sweet irony if Harriet Harman loses her job as a result of bad driving.

  6. I see David Cameron is not attending the Agents dinner again -the last before a general election. This is at least his second no show since his election. Any idea why this time?

  7. Out of interest, how many events would one be able to attend without any form of ticket/invite whatsoever...?

  8. Look forward to next year - Neasden isn't it?

    Have fun though.
